
Monday 24 December 2012

Solar Power - Science Fair Project Videos

Solar Power - Science Fair Project Video

Harnessing the power of the Sun to drive a toy airplane and a toy car.

Concentrated Solar Power Using Mirrors - Science Fair

There is more information in this short school video than many professional videos that tell rather than show. Many hints in the images. Great idea on fabricating a parabolic trough frame

4th Grade Science Fair Projects

Generating Electricity Bio Gas Plant & Diesel Engine Abdullah Bio Gas Pl...

Generating Electricity Bio Gas Plant & Diesel Engine Abdullah Bio Gas Pl...

For more information Call Mr. Muhammad Qasim Solungi WWF Technical Officer Mobile: +92 (0) 300 35 76 455
Camera Man: Mr. Tauqeer Abbas Hashmi
Edited by Mun@WAR +92 (0) 300 4 166459
Generating Electricity from Bio Gas Plant & Diesel Engine Abdullah Bio Gas Plant Construction Company Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan
see Also
Diesel Engine and electric Generator 
Large scale Biogas Plant (Anaerobic 
Video Tutorial of Biogas Plant

Portable Gobar Plant (Anaerobic

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Test Tube Challenge Chemistry experiment Video

Create multicolored, three-layer density columns in test tubes using sugar, water, and food dyes.

This video is part of the Flinn Scientific Best Practices for Teaching Chemistry Video Series, a collection of over 125 hours of free professional development training for chemistry teachers -

ATTENTION: This demonstration is intended for and should only be performed by certified science instructors in a safe laboratory/classroom setting.

video Transcription

as we've gone through the course we try to do a lot of different experiments many experiments were really forced to tell the students exactly what to do very scripted almost what sometimes will be referred to as a cookbook type of experiment and there are very valid safety reasons why we want to know exactly what the students are doing at any given time but there are times I think in chemistry where we can hope in things up of the buzz words might be inquiry or open-ended problem-based whatever term you want to use with this the idea is there a way that we can pose a problem to the students that forces them to apply their understanding of the chemistry concept to solve a problem to produce something forcing her students to think in the chemistry lab it's a very challenging it aspect because they're perfectly comfortable in many cases uh... simply checking off a series of steps that they followed and they may not know why step six happens after step five but they're just following a recipe in the end everything turns out well if they follow the directions well this experiment what I call the test tube challenge will break that mold it requires very little into in the where in terms of worrying about chemistry pick chemicals we're talking about using sugar water in food coloring sugar water and food coloring that's all that they were really need in terms of the chemicals given the price of sugar you're buying five pounds of it on your way into school probably that day you've got plenty of sugar the food coloring not a problem tap water available in most rooms without too much difficulty when my students would come in they might see something such as this on the front demo table and they might saying hey you how did you make that and responses yes so uh... you're not if you've got a chemistry textbook that has the classic density gradient you know the one with the mercury at the bottom in the bolt that's floating I’ll refer to that picture maybe have a picture like that quite a transparency and say take a look at that while sinking floating a density type of gradient but what I try to do is to perhaps show them something like this and then say candidate produce something similar but not being a large graduated cylinder in a test tube now what I’ve discovered many students who are honors level students struggle with the idea of applying the concepts they can manipulate the math they can solve for any missing variable but putting them in open-ended situation and their out of their comfort zone the last very nicely things like so how much sugar did you put in the bottom layer wool aren't you can answer my question all my gosh help can you be math teacher and not answer questions it's important to win over your students it's important to acknowledge please do not ask how white made that because I’m not going to tell you and asking you nicely and they will try multiple times stick to your guns are not going to answer that question what the students are told I want three clear distinct layers day-old blue yellow bread don't care about the colors themselves but it makes sense not to go wad read uh... but you could go blue yellow blue were however you want but I need three liquid layers inside it s too you can you show ger water food coloring and any quickness in your lab drawer anything you guys want to use now that's the open-ended problem but I want you to picture in your mind what can happen if you try to do this open-ended problem if your class like mine can accommodate twenty eight students we typically do experiments with fourteen sets of lab partners ait cannot accommodate fourteen sets of how do you do this coming at me all twice and so I have taken on at the system were al arrange the kids around the room in seven groups of four by can he handle seven sets of questions coming at me I can monitor seven groups of four there are signs of the groups they're showing this showgirl water food coloring I need three liquid layers no solids presence in your final test two at least where I teach many times students like to form larger groups especially on thinking activities you'll have the corporate merger this group of four people suddenly start talking to that group before suddenly you have no why is that the on one side an alliance of eight on the other and then you've got the pdf four kids that you've assigned to a group that maybe they're not even talking to each other they're just hoping to wait out the storm but we work on this tomorrow if nobody gets it if you're fortunate enough to be double blocked I can remember looking out and telling him you have approximately eighty three minutes to go began in terms of the timing so I’ve got seven groups of for strategically placed around the room you can use the lab stations nearest you and here's how we're going to keep them working in a group before what we say in my class we're going to go plus three plus two plus one what that means is the first group to successfully finish with three liquid layers in a test tube three points extra credit for everybody in that group and then they've got a front proceed to the show or they watched the other group still struggle they've got the second group to finish two points extra credit for everybody the third group one point extra credit with seven groups again talking teacher here three of the seven groups art should be thinking we're going to get extra credit on this is on some and one of these thinking type of challenges cut they help migrate the very last group all cash where that's so smart group where the challenge group we can't you can still get a ten out of ten but you're racing against the clock and now you're down to eighty one minutes to go you're racing against the clock you're competing against the other groups for the extra credit but the very last group can still get it ten out of ten so again it should not hurt their grade nafta group gives up well that's a whole nother story but my job once they know what's expected is did know jim along the way and do what i have to do for instance asking questions like while your top layer injured middle layer are mixing how much sugar did you put in the bottom layer and they might say ten grams and if they use the same amount of work sit ten grams around the bottom layer to grahams are in the middle ware and then how much is in the top one gram so the one graham in the two graham layers are mixing okay steelhead ten a lot of they needed to and then you get one in the top two layers how did used to typically these students will self correct only gosh why did we use that we probably are my gosh we had ten in the bottom are we will require are we required to use sugar in everywhere no artist sugar water food coloring ten grams zero grams one graham once we get zero five ten once they figured that out it is a glorious day in the bracken world when you watch them poor and they pour with such emotion that the layers can still mix became shakir pollute we're teaching persistence were teaching problem solving remember i'm walking around the room saying you can use anything you want you let me know if you need the centrifuge i've got the centrifuge i've got microscopes from biology i've gotten a respects available they quickly learned we don't actually need them stopwatch is alright here sometimes you'll have kids run up cuz remember it's plus three plus two plus one i don't know why but i'm getting a stopwatch i am going to stop the other faculty king although stopwatch is tonight i don't know why we need he wouldn't put it out if we do need it right yes he would starring routes if they need them if they're not in the lab drawer i have other equipment that is available do we have to ask you for yes you do and it might be hidden behind the demo table all right joe that's a really good question starring roger behind the demo table go back to their intake why don't you just put a no 'cause every group past ask for it because i'm not just telling them what they need the most critical thing other than beakers test tubes grown meyer flasks the pipette so important to their success and their overall happiness but i will not as i've done here have the equipment that they need out for them they've seen means they've worked with these it's their job perhaps it's already in the lab drawer uh... there we go if a group if i look up and i still have maybe five minutes to go in the group is just on the verge of imploding because they haven't been successful a nice hint say it to the std to the group is heyyy because used everything in your lab drawer i wasn't sure if i got a everything in the lab for the u_s_ might need open up the labs work for a half all my gosh you guys we need an hydroponic which people even get on my car being the main there a minute away from cranking it out now it might seem like and given them all the answers what's amazing is that the plus three plus two plus one concept they're gonna work within your group they're not going to remember the hint like so how much sugar you're putting in each player on my gosh yeah now i understand also so they take tremendous pride in in giving being able to think through a problem and solve it fastest inside had do this something like ten minutes but i'm not gonna tell my students that i'll tell them that the all-time bracken record his twenty one minutes what that guys if you think about it they know that they want to hurry but it also tells them of all the groups that he's had do this the fastest once took twenty one minutes that immediately tells them he's expecting us to take some time on this that that puts them at the s and are able to go after it be ok did we set the new world record with nine and a half minute i think so uh... yeah i'd while in and did not come back the next day did anybody beat our time of nine and a half minutes yesterday in your other classes uh... noel nobody get uh... that that's awesome so they're they're very very proud of their creativity in their problem solving as something that you do have to be aware of when you do it open ended lab like this you're not going to perhaps get the most beautiful results and that's to be expected they are in its very typical in in science brain chemistry we may say hey we made aspirin we were the first ones in the world to make it and we made it in four percent yield k but we crossed the finish line first we're number one typically what happens the group's who then say it while so that works can tweet tweet get and make it better they might give you in eighty percent yield but they're not gonna be the first ones so what i love is the group that gets plus three plus two plus one those groups tend not to make the most beautiful bing bing bing it's like jerry at dane little tiny bang and then adding again when you go me that's three layers you guys are the first ones and so the seventh group the seventh group before at the last ones to finish desires the best-looking one of second period are walking yes three equally spaced lawyers still ten out of ten we'll win the best-looking test two uh... category for our class so i really encourage it it will bring it up a little bit sugar water and food coloring very inexpensive starting materials uh... it is a tremendous amount of time here's one way to actually make it and i want you to think about possibly in your own classroom compare we can given the cookbook version you could probably time that you say the wall finishing eighteen and a half minutes why because they're all following the exact same set of directions there's not as much making if you tell them for instance zero grams of sugar into ten milliliters add five grams of sugar into ten mil leaders and ten grams of sugar into ten milliliters of water there's not a lot of thinking involved to give you an idea i've watched students tried the cookbook approach my first year of teaching that's the way i did it what some of them did is they work i added the ten grams of sugar home no handed red food coloring to act dump it out but says it needs to be blue it's not the students' fault they're not able to distinguish what is important with what is not important and sometimes what we've been following the honors kids who were the ones who are going to get it right would immediately dump that out because they're saying it's not gonna look right in it's not going to work because it needs to be blue on the bottom the student who may never sold for the missing variable properly probably has the ability to look at that and so it doesn't really matter what color it is it simply just to show the different layers so i'm glad you having to be the referee within the group where they had this discussion and and the weaker student is saying okay i may not be able to calculate the density of those three but i know first i wanna use an i drop ur and legal yes because the understands will calculate the density values they will because they've done again steve liquids lab courage if you don't calculate devoutly against students who don't even bring a calculator to class for drawing right here's what i'm this deal uh... i'm going to take the stuff with the most sugar and i'm gonna put that in and again there's not a lot of thinking involved if this is how we're doing i'm gonna go to the medium density and again let them figure out at its slowly and drop twice let them figure it out trooper water and food coloring when i'm hoping to create is a classroom where they view the lab idea is a parcel it's not an illustration of density work every single density gradient looks the same because they take a tremendous amount of pride even in checking back the next day hated it all mix and if you've ever had the misfortune of thinking you're gonna teach something on monday that they'll remember on tuesday and they show up acting as if they weren't even there an activity that they actually remember the second day and you think while i didn't even know that you would remember doing it in your check wanting to check to see if it's mixed so here we go with me third layer there while the students are working on this i do like to play music in my classroom and i think music and do a number of things that can really late in the mood when the race is on tenia breaks up the new silence and this or that i love the plays by the archie sugar sugar um... and and boy i'll tell you what i would go to any of the uh... online things itunes whatever you want and search under sugar or sweet and the fact that you thought i had kenneth dot music for the event uh... in many cases has has my students is thinking as this like your entire life and how did you actually come up yes and know where you're going to struggle and i've got the soundtrack available for the experimental my gosh uh... but we do win him over we're gonna win them over in the matter unit and this activity which does its heavy on the thinking make no mistake about it uh... many times teachers when they try this will say ponder this'll take five minutes and winds up taking fifteen minutes because again it's possible to do it you saw i mean you could even say let me make the three solutions for the students in advance if you want to take five minutes and you want to do all look the same there's a way to do that but i really think there's real value and letting them deep figure out the importance of the layering the amount of sugar the food coloring it's probably best not to have read and read and read it uh... that they've got i think a little bit about what colors they wanna use uh... lots and lots of fun it's also important to compliment them especially if you held uh... some low achieving students the students as you assign the kids to the seven different groups the student that you hoped would participate and if that student contributed in really lead their group you know the surprise while i wasn't sure that whittle johnny was going to be able to do this and johnny was the thinker of the group that students is going to get a phone call that night and i can tell you it'll terrified their parents all my gosh teacher called our house little johnny will say i never had a teacher colour house before thought for sure i got in trouble was i suspended or what they do no well jenny wild his entire group and i'll tell you what it solely september and i cannot wait to see what johnnie can do when the chemistry class gets harder that one minute phone call two or three years later after they've div no longer have your class or in some cases ten years later hey mister bracken in a graduation party mister bracken member when you called my house after that test-tube thing with the layers that scared by parents so much that is the only time anybody's ever called my house for a positive thing if you do that if you can catch your students doing something right you own them they will do anything you can get in the hardest open-ended problem and their confidence is sky-high and builders do whatever you ask them so i would encourage you to keep that in mind even is that post lab type of thing anne ten minutes to make some phone calls tonight about the uh... the ones who really surprising self test tube challenger fun fine density open-ended type of lab activity

How to make best Science Fair Project Demo video

How to make best Science Fair Project Demo video

Video Transcription:

Everyone  I’m here to talk with net out  How decides their project  And so there was a walking through each step  That this will help you  Two-year-old science fair project and all information on the entire saucer  Cardboard  Ten old seats  No it's not surprising some  It’s very fun you can learn a lot of new stuff things you learn  In a classroom  These around things he did research and find out the answers to questions you  May have  About into a more rain stopped  Both sides of the Soviet Union  What friendship  Feel free to call us to do your staff  Project I’ll show you  An example project  Pain you cannot come up with your question into your project  As you get to the staff  Nuclear information also bore no question of what you were a lot  Another  Chocolate truffle project mores code  Do you see right here  This is a home  Struggle but this is something that you can  Violating store  This recommended not required  But this does help a bit  For Seattle or space the life of nationalism is the top all  Uh... that you can use  they can you put on your research in your procedures and all things that you  thought surprised he gives flight  all morning with a major role nice  make attractive to be able to  EarthLink project  designating project with us I’m surprised a lot of times  people say well I want to make it look nice but really  will make something positive way project  is insights you want to have good science  incisor hospital talk about that later  and so uh... as your job  doing your project  gizmo she had adults to see costs a lot of Indians in the dangerous  idealism Elsevier said gave you the link is make sure your kids are doing the  majority of arriving  typing if your chief of the time to do  Lula document type  them form issues  because try to do as much as possible  is that makes their project  uh... and so now they use our own  initiatives was not surprised is  is now the most or a first step girl sets up here  you past six  Stetson  near a snowball's offers them  now we come to step  science fair project  set one has tagged is the time for you  actually question you want to come up with a question  that you  purchased used I think that topic that you won the battle  What sup house of the books  Secret question  That can be tested you can go home  Inane  Do the series of experiments a series of steps  That you can come up with an answer  Is uh... with this question starts calling testable question  Here’s an example document with  These you'll cross three different categories there are several categories  And starts there  After move with three  this first question right here how is changing the wrapping up the wire  change distracted properties of mags that physics question  so you're looking at the white magnusson ellipses status of the  type question you asked  to find that leads to disaster prosto  settled here  is to get one of the ought to remember your visual memory and this is a  is this a question that you have all people you  ulysses the experience to people if they don't look at something to do they  remember or if you tell them something will be they  remembered it better singer  testing but uh... a large group of people interested in people are better  auditory visual  uh... in this one is that plants  uh... question do you know did not receive a day  they play it produces a fed them out of three it produces so this is a question  that you can  objective proved that a guest these and see  uh... overseas over a period of time to do  hummus fruit produces so these are all questions that you can  past be initiatives that will  he was a wet but that  they're just if you look at it and notify me as soon as they unfold  what top us a little bit you can just look it up if they're so they can go  home  and you can experience as well  this up questionnaire  i want to do our first of all the time to come up with bal question  ammo questionable book with  our pop or leading popcorn  in disaster eating popcorn ask the question  how does that tell  i was a gift from a tactical colonel  to they quiet fluffy  articulate  how can we not only that  coronas for  and how would you need something that's floating in  uh... nice things have been snacks all that's why i was talking about  before and slept with some of the some research or that  get on the internet and cable operator lookup  how does popcorn become popular and find out  where it is  and start to the start you know how to start a quarter from the report  and see you  that uh... the popcorn that we can pop  and so  to your question did some research that i would have done some research  i got a lot of furniture right here  about popcorn i've learned a lot of united facts that i can use to help me  with my process fair project  that i can use the uh... explained that he had not come to write my conclusion i  can say  this is what happened this is what happens how dalton research  right here and so that when i come to my question missus  the first day of the most important part  is i would ask the question  in the format of haha contest  s_i_v_ roughed him up with a testable question my most are really important  question is  which met up popping popcorn is the best  is uh... there's many ways popup are probably the most common ways of mark  twain the bag of  dot  uh... let alone  do it again  probably easier testable way  and so i'm going to test it not  of this is that my mommy's popup formed an opinion on the set of  with oracle's some aural  and  you pop it in seattle upward popped up and conceded the sense that  uh... another way history will be hot air popper and this is a hotter property  in  pretty much the saying  amount of kernels  voter and you can pop up on this flight  so i will find out which way through list of top  or through hot air popper pops is the best  and we're not asking this question  it's not time to baser yet stuff come to try yet  i have to make the scar offices  and that will be step number two  sets a is for you make your hypothesis hostas win  you take your question that you can step one and you make a prediction detail  what you think  will happen what will be the answer to your question my question was  that uh...  will make popping popcorn better easier buses  a hot air popper  visit us at the top  advameg  baja pulses contradiction  saba competition and i ride over this paper or top it public appearance print  it off  this so they must exit which is  mock-up office  misunderstood me an example of how offsite process  is what i think will happen  and i what i think what happened i think that pop it in on the stove top  will make it better tasting popcorn  eight italy to make it harder pop plus looking at a recent fundamentally  the reason why because you may want to do this project  evade in your hypothesis you can say what do you think will happen  itself walked down to parker costs  so this is an example of  you may get your ipod sis  if you want to do this part is that they are both were submitted all withdrew  the project  because this may be a project humidity  but once you've made your apostasy retval  now it's time to get your materials purchased at number three  our next step  in the process at the make your hypothesis  is together all these years that you'll need  c uh... conductor expanded hotmail list natsios nothing but i'll need  c  conduct this spirit melvin c  listening to your list  as you'll come tonight unless you're doing your product your project  you may  keep adding things to it  sixth invented anything from popcorn  the poverty of using t  uh... measuring spends a lot of things that don't know  rapid cameras  antsy  your materials list may grow over time you name it and working lives  and the national your projects and  a new gate and you can read this  the satellite it is just about your materials list  and is abit  thier lives and that will go for secession  on your project once you have all your materials are  you think you have arguments heels you're ready to do  you or procedures  then you were able to move on to you  be next  our next step is where we actually get to cadet experiences our procedures  separate set for ourselves to project  go about or question is let's  method of pop popcorn is the best so i have not  popping uh... tools that obama's usa between hotter popper  and the setup opera  of canada  each  of reached are perfectly blown out of popcorn cards  so unwanted pop or put the populist it each  uh... popper  and but all the measure one-at-a-time something put money into the  posed  fire arbor first  india you know  getting ready i'm not going to do this experiment  about what is this payment because the city expect that you wanted  sums for the country have set up so i got my popcorn  into the hot air popper  arguments that for simply being here for several minutes they'll too  up to lay out of the midwest  breezy that talk to you  to catch the pockets of discomforted that we do pockets that we've papa bear  and he also limit that shocked  and all part of the sizes measuring many different things one of the things that  working for the same forces the men number of popping pills  in each  about what we're looking at  and were measuring  here this time  one thing's for management style  when things went mini-series how long does it take that first pop  and not only the first talking about the last fall was the last op caramel  popped that's  well part of it as a missions mister totten nothing or ministry  is how many of these  are left over  left colleagues how is the whole make girls love that are left over never  used the old way pearls  so i'll say which one  is i'm has the most all day calls for small opportunities for popcorn bozell  up  so are starting up off the interstate top  i've written down abusing a timer you stacy anti-american about seconds before  we get as close to the exact  times possible signal account  the number of seconds  depressed are you brought down to six thirty seconds to take cigarette not  thirty homes which are because she was chart  is a little bit  uh... right in the first time that once its finished  yea press stop on the top of the rundown  the top the last part of course the last popular  stop because you over pal  this so here i don't have time  chi then you have that  information for that update take an excellent  will say to yourself dot please take up across a number segment rip-off  corporals  of this remains here no of course you disturbing thing rightful parts  uh... mature kids have little supervision  take you popped just finished a top  at your reported are pretty cheap used to be a bit  uh... and he did the same process it with a hot air popper measure  uh... how what it takes his hair speech saying topper to measure i wanted to the  first part of the last fall  that once you have  once you have  written or got all your measured it turned out  you want to put it into a sharp instrument workshop went like that  seagulls mahalia proper first pop in the last part i have the set-top that's half  the time  first pop  and at a time for the last popular rock this notification to the chart  annual decade of course the different chart one-star reached  method of pop pop  uh... after you papi popcorn you look good  your popcorn and to the following to separable lightly not labeled as fall ek  that might be yourself toppled the bobby on air power  and didn't you get any more information get your texas remain  look at it and look at the texture of the popular measure  will make it a what happened two years i think that  sort of measure or ruler to measure hip-hop or  uh... indeed measuring texture  and then you have a tasty exmouth have bowl label being eaten up  abstain leave transfer his many people as you can see lot  the best opment  c rod all this information and gather in august and this is all part  of your procedures  you also on the take pictures of its dictator sitting hop in the popular take  pictures of people  reasonable measuring it took a lot of pictures you report  blockages forty actually doing the prizes your proof that this is your  party's what you do it  and then once you get your pictures or to make sure we're going to make sure is  the pretty pictures of your face gay people be popcorn  intermediate  the picture from here  that's okay but the whole fashion with him if he goes off you also let them  stay away from brand names if you want to be really concerned about getting a  winning projects they wait for brand names of the brain means owners but  uh...  accusing us try to stay away from brand names of different things you want to  stay away from britain is a lot of if you really want to look hot  exercise your project  the judge is going to do  no turned her head  when it comes to brand names trusted with  ventures take lots of pictures but mold their charges may be  as you can  appeared on the project  what you have all pictures taken  ownership standing up all your charts to adapt  now it's time to move on to your results which is your next step  an extensive fav  is where you are taking your dad that you get it from your procedures  at the beginning to press results section  results tapa suspect project  this can be she'd like drawing you cannot tolerate dot will compete to see  if i get a refund  uh... partner scientific project at the procedures project was a well enough to  scandia actually fallen  stepping project  when you take them your information equipment the grass and  there's a lot of this particular parts is a lot of things we were measure  measuring of the noble make carlson who are left over after we finish popping  uh... the size the texture  the taste missed a lot of things who will take all these things are measuring  including two graphs and here's an example graph of course  you were a few cheese into this project  your information let me just because you  acts differently  it made me do different popcorn and there's there's always going to be  different  variables that changed results  botswana shalini  what your grass meant a lot now be scrapped  of his grasp or central  and doesn't have to be on the peeps can be drawn come see the difference the  colors  to represent the different styles of pop the deferment popping  uh... bob logics access for backgrounds  at lake old  uh... for each we reached would each practice measuring  and so that i have no time for the first part all this information  halter dress mistreatment of woodstock it's up to date ranks so many different  things  field on the only one or two things stay the same number of pearls of pop  stateside but they are so many other things that changed to affect my results  which  going back to my question  distinguish method popping popcorn was the best here of course  he should be able to take this information  and  reporter for mation into your final step  which is your concludes  your final step in the sense they're project  step number six complete display  take all your data or information  and you question beginning your hypothesis in wrap it up bring it all  together  to drive to a conclusion this is of course in  words sentence paragraph forms for your mom  uh... depending on how much she did any homework grade level you are spent how  much  how much you write that  are going to give you some idea  what to put in a conclusion  you always want to put it  dropoff to restate what did you think would happen  uh... what got said much about how boxes i think that that hot air popper  uh... maja possible as i thought the hot air opera with it  the best part  would be the best met  making pop  and then i kind of tool brief description of my procedure suspended on  uh... hot air popper stove top opera missions maps cover brief  decent summary about procedures  and then when you  excuse for your procedures g can until the answer was the answer which one part  of the estimate will tell you this what part does for me  because although because someone may be more subdued is not a liberal route  forty however you may  units are taking it sir  you might get a different sort because allot substantive things happen of  different  uh... results  and then  would you tell what happened the last says she will not settle  word was your pup office correct politically correct  what do you think it was incorrect and of course gone back to hahaha suspected  step  a number of city  you may find results and you know i was able to do change office don't any drop  offs keep the same scientists are always making predictions about what they think  will happen  and harley  ever  park scientists are correct there are always  crop losses were always a little bit all for completely wrong  and so they realize what was wrong and that's where you can push in the site  uh... haha parks was incorrect  here's what i think what i mean that's where you bring in your research  up why you think it of why i think it was wrong for your vote results were  different from what he thought  as though they knew i think the vision  you talk to the erotic put down your board put all only steps  onto your project work  you can't make it look  presentable attractive and and knock it down share website with him he didn't  look at you know if it's bad for the sometimes definitely have a hard time  getting things looking nice in need of some websites we can get some ideas on  how to make  your project more personable socket shared this with you  um and there's also the website active ah...  along with  very much let's begin where you can get somebody has more questions than watch  it with you beginning  and so i hope this video was use a lot of it was helpful  hopefully if you were  brought with me step by step you are able to hacker project out there for the  better answers  uh... you have hopefully award

Monday 26 November 2012

Balloon In A Bottle fun science experiment


When water vapor in a frank is cooled and condensed into water drops, the pressure in the flask reduces greatly.


When water vapor changes into water drops,its volume reduces to less than one thousandth.Using this principle, we can make a virtual vacuum and let a balloon be sucked into a flask.


  • a flask
  • a tripod
  • a balloon
  • a wire gauze
  • a Bunsen/alcohol burner
  • water
1. Put a little water in a flask. Place the flask on a wire gauze and heat it by Bunsen/alcohol burner
until water vapor begins to come out as shown in Fig.2.
2. When there is almost no water in the flask, stop heating and cover the mouth of the flask with the
mouth of balloon as shown in Fig.3.
3. Pour cold water around the bottom of the flask.
4. Observe what happens.


The volume of 1 mole water vapor at 100 ℃ is 30,600ml while that of 1 mole water at 100 ℃ is only 18ml. If we heat water until it comes to boil, water vapor drives the air out of the flask. If we cool the flask by pouring cold water around the flask after covering its mouth with a balloon, water vapor in the flask is condensed into water drops and there is little water vapor in the flask. So the pressure in the flask also reduces greatly and the balloon is sucked into the flask.

Things to do:

1. Find the way how to restore the balloon to its former state.
2. Remove the shell of a boiled egg and prepare a bottle whose mouth is a little smaller than the egg.Observe what happens, when you put a burning match into the bottle and cover the mouth of the bottle with the naked egg. And find the reason.

source:Sucking a balloon into a flask

Friday 23 November 2012

makes electricity by shaking magnets

 makes electricity by shaking magnets

 makes electricity by shaking magnets


Project Name

Simplest homemade electrical generator lights a LED or makes electricity by shaking magnets

Experiment Level: Secondary Class


Induced electromotive force lights a LED.


Simplest homemade electrical generator lights a LED
A changing magnetic flux through a coil induces a current in the coil. The phenomenon is called electromagnetic induction and it was discovered by Michael Faraday in England in 1831. It is one of the most important phenomena in physics and in practical use. It needs a galvanometer, a strong magnet and a coil which has enough turns to demonstrate the phenomenon to students. Sadly a galvanometer is a little expensive and difficult to find. However a good demonstration of the phenomenon can be done using strong bar magnet and a LED display instead of a galvanometer.


  1. two red LED (transparent type)
  2. a piece of plywood (size 7 cm×15 cm, thickness 5 mm)
  3. wood base (7 cm×6 cm×1 cm)
  4. 2 brass screws
  5. 2 connecting wires (length 20 cm)
  6. a coil (about 1000turns)]
  7. strong bar magnet / ten ferrite magnets
  8. a plastic pipe (diameter 25 mm, length 1 m)
  9. two connecting wires with crocodile clips


  1. Draw a blue circle and a red circle on the plywood and make 4 holes for two LED as shown in Fig.2.
  2. Attach the plywood to the wood base using wood glue and fix two brass screws on the base as shown in Fig.3.
  3. Paint two LED blue and red using permanent markers.
  4. Attach 2 LED to the holes of the plywood and wire them using soldering iron as shown in Fig.3.


  1. Arrange the equipments as shown in Fig.4.
  2. Put the coil on a table vertically and fill the bottom of the coil hole with tissue.
  3. Put the plastic pipe on the top of the coil hole vertically.
  4. Fall the bar magnet from the top of the plastic pipe.
  5. One of the LED will be switched on.
  6. Put the magnet upside down and try again. The other LED will be switched on.


In 1831, Michael Faraday discovered that an electromotive force is induced in a coil when the
magnetic flux passing through the coil increases or decreases. This process is called electromagnetic induction. Faraday’s law says: The magnitude of the induced electromotive force is proportional to the rate at which the magnetic flux passing through the coil changes.
Lenz’s law says: The direction of the induced current is that it sets up a magnetic field that tends
to stop the cause producing it. As shown inFig.5, there is a coil and its ends are connected to a galvanometer. (a) In the case that the north pole of the bar magnet moves into the coil As the magnetic flux passing through the coil is increasing, the current induced in the coil sets up
a magnetic field that decreases the flux. So, the induced current flows as shown in Fig.5 (a).
(b) In the case that the north pole of the bar magnet withdraws from the coil as the magnetic flux passing through the coil is decreasing, the current induced in the coil sets up a magnetic field that increases the flux. So, the induced current flows as shown in Fig.5 (b). When you connect the LED display to the ends of the coil and fall a bar magnet from 1m height as shown in Fig.6, what will happen? In this case, the red LED will be switched on, because this case is same as that of Fig.5 (a).
Put the magnet upside down and try again. This time, the blue LED will be switched on.

Things to do:

1. Consider the reason why you must fall a magnet from high place.
2. Try to demonstrate the experiment using a galvanometer instead of the LED display.


Wednesday 21 November 2012

Build Your own Spectroscope

Make a Handmade Spectroscope Measure a Light Wavelength!


Concept: Light is a kind of wave How Do You Measure a Light Wavelength?


As you know, light is a kind of electromagnetic waves and its wavelength is 400 nm(Violet)~800nm(Red). T.Young measured the light wavelength for the first time
using interference of light by double slits. But, we can measure the light wavelength more easily using a diffraction grating. So let’s make a handmade spectroscope using a piece of replica grating in order to measure the light wavelength.


(a) cardboard (size 25 cm×30 cm) (b) a piece of replica grating (1000grooves/mm, size 2.5 cm×2.5 cm)  Fig.1 Finished product (c) a black permanent marker (d) a cutter/scissors   (e) wood glue    (f) sello tape


  1. Draw the figures of parts A,B and C on the cardboard as shown in Fig.2.
  2. Cut out parts A, B,C and paint the back side of them black using a black permanent marker.
  3. Make two slits and a rectangular hole on parts A. Make a slit C on parts B (cursor).
  4. Fold parts A along the dotted lines shown in Fig.2. Using wood glue, make a box whose inside is painted black  as shown in Fig.3
  5. Attach the replica grating film on the rectangular hole of the box from outside using sellotape as shown in Fig.3.
  6. Using sellotape, attach parts C (cursor holder) to the box as shown in Fig.3.
  7. Fold parts B(cursor) along the dotted centre line and insert it to the cursor holders.
  8. Direct slit A to a light source with youreye in contact with the replica grating and you can see a spectrum. Measure the light wavelength by moving the cursor.( How to measure is written in the following page )
  9. Science:

    Light is a kind of wave. Diffraction and interference are the nature of waves. Because of these two natures of light, we can see a spectrum using a diffraction grating. As shown in Fig.4, when parallel light rays come into a diffraction grating perpendicularly, they are diffracted by the grooves of a diffraction grating. Diffractive rays whose diffractive angle isθstrengthen each other by interference if theysatisfy the following formula: dsinθ=mλwhere d=distance between grooves,λ=wavelength,m=integer When these diffractive rays come into our eyes, they appear as if theyare coming from Q. If the diffractive light rays which satisfy the above formula are green, wecan see green in the direction of Q.Next, I would like to describe how to measure the light wavelength using this apparatus. When you contact the replica grating of the apparatus to your eye and direct slit A to the light source, you see the spectrum of the first order (m=1) as shown in Fig.5. If you want to measure the wavelength of green light, you should move the cursor so that the light from the hole of the cursor is just vertically above the green belt of the spectrum. Then, measure x, the distance between slit A and the hole of the cursor. If the depth of the apparatus isl, the value of sinθis given by the following formula.
    Make a Handmade Spectroscope Measure a Light Wavelength!
    If the replica grating has 1000 grooves per millimeter, the value of dis 1/1000 mm. Thus we can get the value of the wavelength using this apparatus.

    Things to do:

    Using this apparatus, measure the light wavelengths of green line and violet line in the spectrum of
    a fluorescent light.
    (There are many mercury atoms in a fluorescent bulb. The spectrum of light emitted from atoms
    consists of many lines and it is called “Line Spectrum”)

    See Also:

    Homemade CD Spectroscope


Tuesday 20 November 2012

Make your own Portable Generator

Make your own Portable Generator


  1. toy car
  2. Magnets
  3. LED's
  4. 6 v Toy motor
  5. Copper Wire

How its work
when the motor rotates the magnets inside the coil rotate this produces EMF and lights up he LED's
Sourece :

How to make Franklin's Electrostatic Motor

How to make Franklin's Electrostatic Motor

Build Simple Electrostatic Franklin's Motor  

Build Simple Electrostatic Franklin's Motor Pakistan Science club

Franklin motor


two aluminum cans,plastic cup, snap, pushpin, polystyrene foam board, styrene foam pillar,
aluminum foil, paper clip, adhesive tape, vinyl pipe, and kitchen paper


  1. A hole is made at the center of the bottom of a plastic cup. Put the snap in the cup to make a bearing.
  2. Eight pieces of aluminum foils are cut into 10×25mm pieces. Put them on the cup.
  3. The pushpin is put on the tip of the styrene foam pillar. The pillar is bonded to the styrene foam board.
  4. The paper clip is put on two aluminum cans by aluminum foil. The point of the clip makes it go out by 40-50mm.
electrostatic motor

HOW Simple Electrostatic Franklin's Motor WORKS:

When a high voltage is applied between the two stator cup foils, one stator cup aquires a negative charge imbalance, while the other one becomes positive. Also, a tiny spark jumps from the tip of each commutator brush to one of the foil sectors on the rotor bottle. The sector under the positive brush becomes positive, the one under the negative brush becomes negative. The rotor's foil sectors are then repelled from the alike-charged stator bottle and attracted to the unlike charged stator cup. This sideways electrostatic force causes the center bottle to rotate, which brings new foil sectors under the brushes. Tiny sparks then jump to the new sectors and charge them, which makes them attract/repel from the stator bottles, etc. The foil on the rotor bottle that's under the commutator is always charged the same as the commutator, so it's always being repelled/attracted sideways. The force is continuous, therefor the speed of the rotor cup will keep rising higher and higher. In practice the rotor speed will not increase forever, but will stabilize because of air turbulence, bearing resistance and bearing chatter, etc. If the entire motor could be put inside a vacuum chamber, it would REALLY run fast. But then the sparks couldn't jump from the commutator wires, and you'd have to arrange some kind of sliding contact brushes instead. (Sparks cannot exist in vacuum, since a spark is made of air which has turned into plasma.)

See Also:

Make your own Equipment for static electricity 

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