
Wednesday 18 January 2012

Experiment with Oxygen and Hydrogen

Oxygen and Hydrogen

Level Elementary


   Zinc and manganese dioxide can be taken out from the used dry battery. Oxygen and hydrogen are produced by using the acid, the hydrogen peroxide and the two materials of the dry battery. The property of oxygen and hydrogen is examined.

Taking out zinc and manganese dioxide from the dry battery The dry battery is taken apart, and zinc on the surface and inside manganese dioxide, a carbon at the center, and an upper and lower iron plate are divided separately.

Experiment with Oxygen and Hydrogen tools

preparation of Oxygen


dry battery (1.5V), dry battery (9V), hydrogen peroxide, water tank, PET bottle (2), straw, steel wool, spirit lamp, match,   deflagrating   spoon,   radio   pincers,   nippers,   and glass bottle

(1)The hole for the straw to the cap of the PET bottle is made.  Surroundings of the hole are closed with clay so that the gas should not leak here  through the straw.
(2)The water substitution is prepared by putting water in the water tank, and using the  PET bottle.
(3)The manganese dioxide and the hydrogen peroxide are put in the PET bottle, and the cap   with   the   straw is done.The produced oxygen should be collected in the PET bottle quickly. Because  the reaction will end in a short time, it is points.

Experiment with Oxygen
Experiment with Oxygen testing

Experiment 2

Preparation of Hydrogen 


dry battery, dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid , water tank, film case, test tube (2), match and nippers


  1. The hole is made for th e cap of the film case
  2. The zinc plate is cut small by nippers
  3. The zinc plate and the dilu te hydrochloric acid are put in the film case and cap it. 
  4. If the vinegar is used for th e replacement of the dilute hydrochloric acid or diluted sulphuric acid, the hydroge n is produced slowly.
  5. The film case is put in the water tank. the produced hydrogen is collected in the test tube by the water substitution.
  6. The mouth of the test tube  is caped by using the thumb.
  7. The match's fire is brought close to the mouth of the test tube,  the thumb is opened, and the reaction is seen. 
  8. The reaction when half air is put in the test tube is examined, too.  


Why the difference of two reactions happens is discussed about.  
Preparation of Hydrogen diagram
Preparation of Hydrogen Testing

More Experiments and projects  

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