
Tuesday 7 February 2012

Research based Earth,Energy,Environmental, Science Fair Projects

Phytoremediation of the Oil Sands
Home School  -  Calgary, AB
Suncor Energy
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $500.00

Abstract: This project used Mycorrhizal inoculated soybean plants as a means of phytoremediation in the Alberta Oil sands. The plants were grown in tailing sands soil, to determine if the mycorrhizal addition allowed growth in the barren soil, and remediation of the hydrocarbons in the soil. The addition of the mycorrhizal fungus increased the growth in the soybean plants allowing them to remediate the soil
Project Number: 5073
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Solar Juice
Centennial Collegiate Vocational Institute  -  Guelph, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $500.00

Abstract: Possible methods to prolong the operational lifespan of dye sensitized solar cells were investigated. Benzoic acid was used to inhibit bacterial growth on the natural plant dye, and sealing agents were used to prevent the evaporation of liquid electrolyte. Benzoic acid was found to have a positive effect on red cabbage dye, depending on several factors. All tested sealing agents proved to work.
Project Number: 4951
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Transport Canada
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $300.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: Nous avons déterminés les conditions de culture optimales pour une culture de Lemna minor, une plante aquatique. Cette culture pourait aider à dépolluer les plans d'eau contaminés au cadmium, un métal lourd.
Project Number: 4751
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Putting a Lid on Home Energy Costs
Calgary Science School  -  Calgary , AB
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00
Transport Canada Award - $150.00
Suncor Energy Conservation Award - $100.00

Abstract: When I read that researchers at MIT are developing a roof that changes colour depending on temperature, I started wondering what would be the best roofing material to use in Calgary. So I collected a bunch of samples of different roofing materials and tested them to find out!
Project Number: 4646
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   Great job Kellan – very appropriate and timely topic considering society’s demand for energy efficient products and the amount of days of sun we get in Calgary. Great experimental data – very detailed and thorough! Impressed that you identified the limitations of your data. It is very important, but difficult, to be objective with your own scientific research! Your website is well organized and easy to navigate. Your graphs and pictures load quickly are easy to read. Congratulations on a fantastic project!! Mr. H

Going Bananas for Biofuels
Greystone Heights School  -  Saskatoon, SK
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: I will be exploring substitutes for fossil fuels and other fuels that harm the environment, as well as putting some substitutes to the test.
Project Number: 4779
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Yellow text on green background a bit hard to read.   

Organic vs Petroleum Plastic
South Island Distance Education School  -  Victoria, BC
Suncor Energy
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00

Abstract: Brandon will be making an organic plastic and experimenting if an organic plastic breaks down quicker than a traditional petroleum based plastic.
Project Number: 4829
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Getting Down to the Shocking Truth
Walter Murray Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $500.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: Is it possible to recover energy from the bumps in the road through shock absorbers of vehicles and turn it into useful energy? If it is possible, how much energy can be recovered?
Project Number: 4648
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Beautifully laid out, easy to read and to follow.

A Pane in the Glass
Calgary Science School  -  Calgary, AB
Suncor Energy Conservation Award
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $400.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: I'm always looking for low-cost ways to reduce my environmental footprint. So when I learned that up to 40% of home heating fuel goes to replace heat lost through windows, I decided to investigate how much heat is lost through the windows of my house and how to maximize the benefits of passive solar gain on winter days.
Project Number: 4647
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   Fascinating and practical project. I must say, I have often pondered this very topic in terms of my own house. Very impressive experimental design (variables, limitations and extensions), simplistic, but the best experiments often are!! Your conclusions are very analytical. Your website is well organized and flows in a logical manner. Great use of graphs and visuals – detailed but not overwhelming. Great Job Calder!! Mr. H

Biofuels VS Fossil Fuels
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Suncor Energy
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $300.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: During my project, I will determine if the energy in a biofuel is equivalent to the energy in the same amount of nonrenewable fuel.
Project Number: 4522
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Excellent use of colour and background. Good consistent format of pages. Clear readable information. Excellent Background information and identification of variables. Excellent experiment. Nicely designed quiz.

Braking a Car Using Energy Recovery
Greystone Heights School  -  Saskatoon, SK
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00

Abstract: Stopping a car has not changed much from when cars have been put on roads when Henry Ford sold the Model T. This virtual science fair project will look at different ways to slow a conventional car down and recover the energy to make the car more efficient.
Project Number: 4813
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    A great investigation, Daniel. Energy conservation is going to be increasingly important in the future.

Styrofoam Recycling with Limonene
King's Christian Collegiate  -  Oakville, ON
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00

Abstract: Styrofoam cannot be decomposed in a natural way and so it is causing soil pollution. It wastes a huge space, and does not have many ways to be recycled in an eco-friendly way. Limonene, from peels of fruits, such as orange, can dissolve Styrofoam without causing any environmental pollution. So this project introduces the new developed idea of recycling Styrofoam in an eco-friendly way.
Project Number: 4668
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    A brilliant experiment on Styrofoam with the aim of saving our environment. Good understanding of scientific method, project very well presented with pictures on a very relevant problem.

From Waste to Energy
Ovidius Highschool  -  Constanta, Romania
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00

Abstract: We started this project from the idea of connecting two environmental issues: solid waste (especially the plastic bottles that are everywhere) and the need of sustainable use of energy. We suggest a method that allows us to solve both environmental issues - waste and energy, by using plastic bottles for manufacturing a small and affordable wind plant, a Savonius turbine.
Project Number: 4654
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: My McAfee security software issued a warning regarding An great project.   

Grasping the Wind
Greystone Heights School  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00
Suncor Energy Wind Energy Award - $50.00

Abstract: Fossil fuels and nuclear fuels are our primary sources of energy, but they are finite resources and will be used up as global demand for energy continues to grow. There are also concerns that burning fossil fuels for energy could have a devastating impact on our planet. In contrast, renewable energy will not run out and renewable energy technologies are cleaner sources of energy and have a much lo
Project Number: 4903
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    A very good investigation on a very important topic, Daniel. Well done.

Storage of Electrical Energy
Home School  -  South Burlington, VT
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: This project is about learning the past, present and the future of storing electrical energy.
Project Number: 4942
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Water Quality
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Lockheed Martin Canada
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: My project was to figure out if the natural sewage treatment system in Panajachel works, if the plants actually absorb phosphates and nitrates. I took samples every week from upstream and downstream of the system and measured the amount of phosphates and nitrates. I compared the upstream and downstream results to see if the system reduced the amount of phosphates and nitrates.
Project Number: 4676
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    This is an excellent experiment that is directly related to an important issue in your community. Your background research sets up the issue well. Your procedure is clearly stated, and the pictures in the gallery are helpful. You did a very good job analyzing complicated data and presenting your results clearly. Your conclusions state how you could continue your study and how it could help in the improvement of the sewage treatment system. Excellent work.

Thirsty Flowers
South Island Distance Education School  -  Victoria, BC
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: Aidan will be using carnations and colored water to show how a plant feeds itself.
Project Number: 4830
Grades: K-3   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Green Gold
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: The purpose of this experiment was to produce bio-diesel from micro-algae. I set up an experiment at home using a special culture of micro-algae called “Nannochloropsis Oculata”. My home based experiment was set up to understand the basics of a micro-algae farming operation and ways of producing sustainable bio-diesel.
Project Number: 4587
Grades: K-3   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    An environmentally friendly project. Excellent presentation.

Frozen Solid?
St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School  -  Dundas, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: My project is to see what ice melting products melt ice the fastest damages cars the least and damage plants the least. Separate experiments will be used to test my hypothesis. Observations will be made for each product:A:alaskan ice melter B:safe-t-salt C:Organic melt ice remover D:sand and CO:control.
Project Number: 4905
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   Davis, I hope you were able to learn a little more about web presentation.

Light Absorbed by Different Colours
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: Sun Light is absorbed or reflected differently by different colours. When a colour absorbs light, it turns the light energy into heat energy. Different colours absorbs different amount of light. Based on these principle, identical houses with different colours' room temperature was measured at regular intervals.
Project Number: 5007
Grades: K-3   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Are Pricey Towels Worth the Price?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: The title of my project is Are Premium Paper Towels Worth The Price? I am testing if more expensive paper towels like Bounty are stronger and can absorb more water than cheaper paper towels like Life Brand. Whichever one is stronger, can absorb more water, and at the same time not very expensive that will be the best paper towel.
Project Number: 4574
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    The experiment has not been repeated enough times to come to a valid conclusion. The web presentation is neat

Mutant Algae
Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School  -  Sarnia, ON
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: This project looks at how to improve the hydrogen producing abilities of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii algae in a large scale system. In the experiment three chambers are set up, one with the mutant algae, one with the regular algae and one control (just water). By seeing which algae chamber the light passes through the most easily it will be possible to determine which algae is best for large scale.
Project Number: 5067
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Well done! (record magnifications of micrographs)

Green Schools& Green Transportation
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: Buildings affect the natural environment in the resources it uses and the pollutants it emits. In North America, buildings account for approximately 40% of the energy used as well as the use of significant amounts of water, raw materials, and land. Building green school is one way to change the major impact buildings have on our natural environment.
Project Number: 4555
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    The extensive research and observations exceeds your grade level. You have an excellent presentation.

Polar Heating
Home School  -  Calgary, AB
Primary Fluid Systems
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00

Abstract: The purpose of this project is to see if a natural water heater could be made to keep water warm in cold areas such as Northern Canada. As these are only able to be used in warm climates, it would be imperative in the future to use natural sources to heat water in colder climates rather than burning up fossil fuels.
Project Number: 4794
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Germ Busters
Berwick and District School  -  Berwick, NS
Primary Fluid Systems
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00

Abstract: We plan to test 4 different hand cleaners, hand sanitizer with 60% alcohol, hand sanitizer with no alcohol, anti bacterial soap and regular soap. We want to know which cleanser will kill the most germs and keep the cold virus away.
Project Number: 4788
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Is The World's Climate Changing?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: The purpose of my project is to demonstrate the Greenhouse Effect and to show that the earth's climate is changing due to man-made causes. I believe that the earth's surface will be heating up due to the carbon dioxide, methane, and other greenhouse gases. I will be using two glass jars, soil, two thermometers, a light bulb as a heat source, and a camera for my experiment.
Project Number: 4542
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    You have applied excellent research and interview skills for your project. The project is very relevant in today’s world. Your presentation is very neat, hypothesis and purpose clear and precise, and results very effectively communicated

Le pouvoir des plantes
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: Notre projet consiste de mesurer l’humidité d’un local et le confort de ses occupants avant et après d’y avoir déposé deux plantes de caoutchouc et deux lis de paix.
Project Number: 4740
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: My project is about tornadoes. I researched about what tornadoes are and how they are formed. For my experiment I made a Tornado in a Box using mainly glass, incense and fans.
Project Number: 4681
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Your website uses colors and images well for a cool design. Your background research was informative, but it would be better in your own words to show that you understand it. The pictures were helpful in understanding your experiment; next time, try making thumbnail images with smaller file sizes so they will load faster. Your results are clearly shown. It would be good to discuss why you think these were the results and further tests you could do to better understand how the tornado forms. For example, what if the fan were at the top of the box?

Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Project Number: 4755
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Beans Beans The Musical Fruit
Adventures In Learning Homeschool  -  Lumsden, SK
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: To determine if music and the genre of music has any effect of the growth and production of green beans.
Project Number: 4774
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:Photographs of your experiment would improve your project.   

''Pouçons'' Vert
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: Pour cette expérience, nous avons utilisé deux plantes de légumes tels que le radis et des cressons de fontaine.
Project Number: 4749
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Paper? Plastic? Neither?
King's Christian Collegiate  -  Oakville, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: The purpose of this project was to determine the most environmentally safe material to transport groceries, as well as to discover the amount as to which different materials were used and their impact on the environment. 
Project Number: 4624
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Good project. Student provided numerous charts of results each of which is discussed. Impressive site - clear navigation

Problem with Acid Rain
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: I am going to talk about what acid rain, how it was made, what problem it cause involve with heath, how much damage it would cause out doors, and how we can lower a chance to another acid rain
Project Number: 4398
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Can Magnetic Fields Affect Plants?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: The purpose of my project info find out is magnetic fields can affect plant growth. I will figure this out by placing a plant in a magnetic field and record my data to see if the magnetic field affected the plants growth.
Project Number: 4548
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Your project is very inventive and has been approached with creativity and imagination. The hypothesis and conclusion are clearly explained and reflects your understanding. A few pictures for the observations would have been very effective.

Whoof, It's getting Hot!
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: The point of my project is to find which kinds of gases keep the most heat and how long it stays hot for a longer time. For my project I need are rocks and gravel, water, top soil, measuring cup, thermometer, plastic container.
Project Number: 4549
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    The research on your project is very extensive. The experiment is well defined with controlled variables. You have approached the topic of ‘Global Warming’ very creatively. The presentation is excellent.

Heat Trap
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: My purpose is to see which material can hold the most heat without escaping. The materials I used were fleece, acrylic, flannel cotton, newspaper, feathers, and aluminum foil. First I will put the toast in the microwave for three minutes, then take it out and put it into the material and wait three minutes. When that is over I will quickly open them up and feel them so I can record my results.
Project Number: 4557
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Your experiment shows good creativity, and the observations and conclusions are clear and accurate.

Acid Rain on Metals
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: The purpose of my project is to find out which metal rusts more in acid rain. The metals that I am testing are copper, steel, iron, brass and aluminum. First I will mix club soda and tomato juice. Then I hang each nail, screw or strip over the side of the glass with a very thin copper wire which is different than the one that I am testing.
Project Number: 4564
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    A relevant topic, purpose and hypothesis are clear. Navigation is clear and all the links work.

Let It Shine
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: My project is about candles. I will see what candles last longer, are better for the environment and which one makes the most soot.
Project Number: 4576
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    It is an interesting subject, but more experiments are needed to support the findings.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Future Energy
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: My project is about hydrogen fuel cells and their use in primarily cars. I write about how they work, their effect on humans, their effect on the environment and their problems. I will mostly examine the polymer exchange membrane fuel cell which will probably be the fuel cell type used in cars. However, other types of fuel cell will be compared, ones that are more fitted for factory use.
Project Number: 4421
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Crystals Grow Best
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: For my project I tested where crystals grow best I figured out crystals grow best in warm temperature
Project Number: 4597
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    The hypothesis is clearly stated. The data has been presented in a meaningful format including, tables and images. The navigation is clear. Overall presentation is very good.

Solar Energy Is it Worth It ?
Simons Valley Elementary School  -  Calgary, AB
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: This project is about doing something about the pollution and finding ways of using green energy i.e. solar power
Project Number: 4391
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: An informative report on an important topic. Another time make the puzzle black and white so it will print better.    Your solar background is very creative! It takes a second or two to load because of the size of the file. Your emphasis on green technology is fitting. A hand drawn picture of how solar energy works would appeal to visual learners and especially to younger viewers. A couple of editing errors. Colours for the navigation bar could be brighter. Your analysis page contained some interesting information.

Environmental Friendly Cars
Selwyn House School  -  Westmount, QC
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: This website will talk about environmentally friendly types of cars such as biodiesel, electric cars, and ethanol. I will talk about and compare all three. I will also explain how someone can switch to these methods.
Project Number: 4412
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: External links not allowed although a link to Google Maps is not a serious as problem as a link to YouTube since only Google can change the content and thus inappropriate content is not likely to be displayed. But, Google may change it's mapping codes etc. and the link will be dead sometime in the future.   

Green Way is the Only Way
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: my project will explore and explain new greener ways of transport that most people don't know about like the maglev a train that uses the simple laws of magnetism to get up to speeds of 310 mp and the magnetic monorail a invention made by a European professor this invention could revolutionize our public transport and other green ways of transports from all around the world to make our world better
Project Number: 4414
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: View gallery did not seem to work in either IE or FF   

Nuclear Fusion
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, BC
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: It describes the difference between nuclear fusion and nuclear fusion. It also describes the uses of nuclear fusion as an energy source as well as the costs as to how to produce it.
Project Number: 4415
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:At least on image seemed to cover some of the text. I tried FF, IE and Safari...same result in all.   

Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: A description of Ethanol and it's environmental impact
Project Number: 4416
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Reusable Energy
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, BC
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: this project shows what different objects in the world can reuse energy.
Project Number: 4420
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


A Better Way to Land a Plane
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: The purpose of my project is to find out if there is a better way to land a plane which will reduce fuel consumption, shorten the flight time, reduce sound of the plane approaching the runway, and make the flight more comfortable for passengers.
Project Number: 4777
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    An interesting project.

Separation of Plastics for Recycling
Colonel Cameron Public School  -  Corunna, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: The purpose of this experiment is to separate plastics so that we can recycle them and make new products again. Recycling is very important because it’s an important way to minimize pollution. The plastic must be separated before it can be recycled. That is where separation of mixed waste comes in. My experiment shows an inexpensive method to separate the 6 main recyclable polymers.
Project Number: 5023
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Live external links not allowed   

That Water Looks Tasty
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: We are going to put charcoal, pebbles, and sand into a funnel. We are then going to pour oily water, dirt water, and soapy water through the charcoal, pebbles and sand and observe the changes when it comes out of the funnel. We are also going to use two other forms of filtration which are sedimentation and screening.
Project Number: 4582
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Cannot see menu    Your purpose is well defined, and conclusion clear and accurate. The web page has a consistent design and format.

Solar Panel Energy VS. Natural Gas
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute   -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: “Solar Panel Energy VS. Natural Gas Energy” investigates how natural gas energy powers homes in Saskatoon, starting from how the natural gas is found. This project demonstrates how natural gas impacts our environment and outlines its advantages and disadvantages. The project will also explain how solar panels are made and how they power houses and buildings. It will also show how solar energy impacts the environment and explain solar energy’s advantages and disadvantages.
Project Number: 4837
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Some text overlapped with images in both IE and FF. No Project Info page. Live links not allowed.    Very comprehensive and well thought out. All the elements required were included.

Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Selwyn House School  -  Westmount, QC
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: This project was designed for the purpose to inform those who are not aware of the very efficient energy, hydrogen fuel cells have to offer. We explain how fuel cells can be used in the modern day to help reduce carbon emissions. We spoke about the history of Hydrogen fuel cells, how it works, where we can find hydrogen, the benefits, the types of fuel cells, etc...
Project Number: 4397
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Video on Vehicle Use page did not work. Use ALT tags to give the source of images and animations. What are some of the disadvantages of hydrogen fuel cells? What about the costs of producing hydrogen.   

Palm Voltage
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: How to increase and decrease the voltage in one's palm
Project Number: 4969
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Your background information appears to be your opinion not fact. This is an interesting idea with some interesting results.

Energy Maker
St. John's-Ravenscourt School  -  Winnipeg, MB
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: We are making a savonius wind turbine to power to a light bulb.
Project Number: 4881
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   strong effort to research wind energy and build a usable wind turbine, experimental documentation could be improved with more time to spend

Mars Station Project (MSP)
Home School  -  Mississauga, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: Building an Artificial Habitat on Mars: The study of the human requirements, and building an environment theoretically describing and designing a structure to support this. Areas studied include, environment, energy conservation, transportation design, simple robotics application and systems.
Project Number: 4913
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Ethanol - Nature's Fuel
MacLachlan College  -  Oakville, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: Purpose of this project is to find out that when traveling on inclined surface an ethanol-powered automobile is more fuel efficient than an automobile using petroleum-based fuels. Experimental results demonstrate the energy efficiency of ethanol produced from various sources and its potential for reducing our world's carbon footprint.
Project Number: 4936
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Innovation - Energy Conservation
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: Modern technology allows us to conserve energy. Front loading washing machines save water being an innovation. [ Pls listen to Audio 'Project Overview' ]
Project Number: 5003
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: Shooting Eggs with a BB gun to see if an egg is stronger on side then the other
Project Number: 4958
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    This is a very attractive web site. It would be beneficial to have more background information such as parts of the egg and their relative strength.

Bioassay of the Freshwater Crustacean
Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School  -  Sarnia, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: Aquatic organisms are becoming endangered now more than ever due to the excessive wastes released into water systems from fertilizers, household chemicals and effluents of water treatment plants.
Project Number: 4947
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Well done! (a few spelling errors)

Battery Endurance
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: In my experiment I tested four kinds of batteries to see which would last the longest.
Project Number: 4952
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   This is a basic science experiment but it is well organized and the pictures are a good feature.

Greystone Heights School  -  Saskatoon, SK
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: What lives in a swamp?
Project Number: 4780
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Use image editing software to reduce the file size of the images.    A good start on an interesting topic. Where are most swamps located in the world? Do plants and animals have special adaptations that enable them to live in the swamp more easily?

HYBRIDS - Green Transportation
Selwyn House School  -  Westmount, QC
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: In this science fair project, I will be researching hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicles are very useful and effective means of transportation. They are efficient, yet good for the environment. One of the reasons why I did this project was to show people how good hybrid vehicles are and how we could contribute less to global warming, a very popular problem in the world today.
Project Number: 4452
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Something Green
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: A Study of Hybrid Cars
Project Number: 4847
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   Hope had no interactive elements in her work. Try to find more ways to express concepts other than a chart. The same comments apply for Valerie (I'm counting your pros/cons as a 'chart'). I'm also assuming your references are in Hope's webpage. Yours lacks some depth.

Hydrogen Power
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: We are looking at both the pros and the cons of hydrogen power and weighing them against each other to come to a conclusion about whether hydrogen power is in fact a viable energy source.
Project Number: 4836
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Comprehensive, and attention was made to interactive elements. The critical section could have had more depth and did not have an interactivity

The Fuel of Tomorrow
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: I did my project on fuel cells because fuel cells are the key to survival in the future. Global warming occurs when the sun’s heat rays strike the Earth. I want to determine if the amount of energy released by a fuel cell is affected by liquids of different temperature and pH values.
Project Number: 4460
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Your website is excellent. You have a well-defined purpose, and very detailed observations on how a fuel cell can work.

Oil vs. Aquatic plants
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga , ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: My purpose of this project is that I will see which oil is more effective against aquatic plants. I would get some plants from the pet store(2 plants for each species). Then I would get a jar for each plant, Then I would put the plant in, then rocks. Then I would pour in water. Then I would pour oil into each of the jars. Then I would wait and observe.
Project Number: 4466
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Presentable project. Interesting topic

How Much Oxygen is in the Air?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: To find out the amount of oxygen in the air.
Project Number: 4467
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Good Clear fonts. Information Nicely organized. Good clear page layouts. Good Method and Observations.

Fuels of Internal Combustion Engine
Sir Winston Churchill High School  -  Calgary, AB
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $25.00

Abstract: This project will explore the role internal combustion engines play in our lives, and how their different fuels impact the world on an individual and a global level. Different topics to be discussed will be applications and function of internal combustion engines, different fuel sources, alternative fuels sources, impact on humans and the global environment, and engine alternatives.
Project Number: 4832
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    This project has no experimental component to it, which makes it a weaker project than it could have been. It seems to be a summary of research of others, compiled into a number of sections that follow more or less logically. I find no in-text citations, which is disappointing. The chemistry seems correct, but limited.

Solid or Liquid Antacids?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00

Abstract: I want to see which antacids are better for soil solid or liquid.
Project Number: 4497
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Nice use of pictures. Good Clear page layouts. Information nicely organized. Good clear purpose.

Oil Be Gone!!
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: I need to find out what material removes oil out of water the best.
Project Number: 4504
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Nice clear readable information. Nicely designed Method. Good Observations and use of chart.

Recycled Paper: Better or Worse?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: I will be testing the strength of recycled and regular paper
Project Number: 4517
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Information clearly organized. Clear and readable pages. Good consistent page format. Well organized Method.

Grime + Nail Polish Remover
EBUS Academy  -  Vanderhoof , BC
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: How my project started is rather funny... I accidentally spilled nail polish in my mom's bathroom last year. She got the nail polish remover and started scrubbing at the floor.... and to her great amazement, the grayish-yellow colour of the floor (our house is forty years old) disappeared, revealing a shocking white.
Project Number: 4800
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Please use image editing software to reduce the file size of your images. They could be reduced by more than a factor of 10 with no reduction in quality.    Clean website design with excellent description of procedures followed and questions asked. Images and descriptions in data and photos sections clearly indicate a thorough and methodical approach and excellent understanding of scientific method. Excellent demonstration of data collection and conclusions.

Wind Energy
St. Bernadette Catholic Elementary School  -  Dundas, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00

Abstract: The purpose of this project was to construct a wind turbine and to demonstrate my comprehension of energy generation by turbines based on the variables of number of coils, magnetic intensity and speed.
Project Number: 5069
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Live links to YouTube not allowed. Removed. A video your working apparatus would have been a great addition to your project.   Eimear, you invested an incredible amount of effort in your project and despite not having much technical support, you produced a fine project.

Human Reproduction and Conception
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon , SK
ISM Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00

Abstract: The way humans reproduce explains how we populate the planet. Doctors and philosophers have studied human reproduction for thousands of years and still continue today.
Project Number: 4844
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   You had all the elements covered. The comic was nice and you added quite a bit for interactivity. Very comprehensive. It would be even better if the creative elements could be merged seamlessly into your information elements.

Les pyramides / The Pyramids
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Mon but est d'éduquer les gens sur la hauteur des pyramides, leur age et la raison qu'elless ont été construites, comment ils ont été construit et pourquoi la forme de pyramide.
Project Number: 4968
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Hypotheses link on first page did not work.   The photos add to your project. All your links work- well done!

Solar Energy
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: I tested two solar panels to see which one got more energy
Project Number: 4596
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    You have tackled a very relevant theme. Variables are identified and controlled. Method is easy to follow. Your observation table is clear.

Hot Water vs. Cold Water
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: In my science project I got 2 cactuses. Then, I gave them an equal amount of water and sunlight. I wanted to see which would grow faster and better.
Project Number: 4593
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    You could have experimented on more plants. The presentation is very simple.

What To Do When Traffic Goes Wild?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: In my project I want to find out where do you drive when a construction site happens and you don't know where to turn or go. I need to have a computer program for the project and then at the end I'm going to make a model to show you how it looks like. I think that you will first have to wait awhile for the cars to pass and then when you don't see any cars so close then turn.
Project Number: 4581
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Looks like a bit of a mix up here.    Website is easy to navigate. Interesting topic

Up On The Roof Top
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: My plans are to see what roof shingle reacts to its temperature better
Project Number: 4439
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Nice use of background colour. Good organization of information on Apparatus page. Good Conclusions.

The Greenhouse Effect
Northern Collegiate Institute & Vocational School  -  Sarnia, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: The objective is to study the greenhouse effect using a glass jar to mimic the effect of the atmosphere surrounding the earth. Using a set of thermometers, I wish to demonstrate the greenhouse effect and to investigate if it occurs in the absence of ultraviolet light.
Project Number: 5019
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Images not displaying    Well done! If you decide to carry this project forward, try varying/measuring CO2 levels. See Mr. Stover for sensors and software.

Ethanol; The Destroyer
King's Christian Collegiate  -  Oakville, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Ethanol fuels are the quickly becoming a popular topic. This experiment investigates the real effect of Ethanol blended fuels on engines. It will take engine fuel lines and engine screws and immerse them in 6 different kinds of Ethanol blended fuel to observe the effects Ethanol has on them.
Project Number: 4653
Grades: 10-12   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Button images did not load. I tried both IE and FF.    Your project reveals the reality regarding ethanol inside the engine. The effect of ethanol on fuel lines has been well investigated and documented.

Music and Plants: Busting the Myth
Ashbury College Junior School  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Project Number: 4816
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   This was a good project to start with and should encourage you to continue to participate in future years. The way you described the reasons for choosing the idea were good and your use of scientific methods made your results more reliable. To really demonstrate your results you might consider more and repeated testing, stop-time photography and the use of graphs and tables in your presentations.

De la litière j'en ai assez
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Project Number: 4732
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Solar and Wind
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Project Number: 4841
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Madison provided no references and your work lacks depth. Ria's work lacks depth and also did not provide references. There are no interactive elements and neither of you tried to present concepts in different formats.

Saucy Situation
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: I wanted to know, could non-commercial solvents get a set-in spaghetti sauce stain out of white fabric?
Project Number: 4962
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Images did not display   This is a very current topic. With your variety of different cleaning solutions, you have provided some ideas for an environmentally friendly cleaning option.

Project Green Car?
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Hybrid Cars: How green are they?
Project Number: 4846
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   The PowerPoint didn't come through - hand it in separately. I think Jamie did some long quotes without giving credit where credit was due. Jamie had no interactivity in her work. Robbin's work lacks depth and had minimal interactivity. You need to focus more on science in your historical coverage

How Green Are Hybrid Cars?
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: How much more efficient is a hybrid car compared to the average car built in a time range.
Project Number: 4848
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    No references provided. You could have more depth to your work. You did not really express concepts in different ways (I counted your pro/con as a chart)

Hydrogen Powered Transportation
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Producing Hydrogen in a efficient and eco friendly way for transportation.
Project Number: 4865
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   References not in APA format, you did not have a conclusion for the experiment. What was the responding variable? The report section lacked interactivity and did not explain concepts in different ways other than having a comparison chart

Frozen Liquids
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: This project is mainly to figure out if liquids change in quantity after they unfreeze from being frozen.
Project Number: 5025
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   This is a very good idea for a science fair project. You web site is designed very well.

Sky City
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Our project is a solution to the lack of space we have in this world, a fully functional city inside of a building.
Project Number: 4449
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: I plan to find if temperature affects the life span of bubbles.
Project Number: 4436
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Nice clear fonts. Good Observations. Good use of Chart in Observations. Good Organization of Project Info page.

Go With The Flow
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: I am trying to find out if air flows better around a cylindrically shaped object(ie. lighthouse) then any other shaped object
Project Number: 4728
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:    Good Method and clear Hypothesis. Good consistent background. Nicely organized Project Info page.

Food for the Beans
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: Whether plants can grow in different substances other than water
Project Number: 4440
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental


Hydroponics In Saskatchewan
Walter Murray Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: The idea fir my project is to learn why Canada, but mainly why Saskatchewan does not use hydroponics systems.
Project Number: 5064
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Images not displaying   

Algues: le biocarburant du future
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate

Project Number: 4734
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Live links not allowed   

A Christmas Coral
Ashbury College Junior School  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: We are doing an experiment on why the corals In Florida are being affected by the Climate change and weather.
Project Number: 4823
Grades: 7-9   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments:   It is a shame that you didn't have more data and more results posted as your information looked interesting and your approach was creative.

Low Carbon Foot Print
South Island Distance Education School  -  Saanich, BC
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate

Abstract: I am not sure what I am going to do yet
Project Number: 4818
Grades: 4-6   Earth/Energy/Environmental

Comments: Live links not allowed. Embedded video on YouTube not allowed. Unfortunately YouTube strictly not allowed. Otherwise an interesting project. Displays in FireFox but not in IE.   

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