
Friday 27 April 2012

Preparation of science fair project

How to prepare a final report for your science fair project

Generally a teacher would give guidelines as to what is expected in the final report, but if none come home with the project directions, then I recommend including the following sections (similar to a scientific paper) in this order:

Title, author, date

Abstract: 1 paragraph summary of entire project

Background information including things like the motivation for picking your topic and why the project is important. Also include the hypothesis in this section.

 Methods and Materials:
 This section can have several sub-sections. It would start with a list of what was used in the project. Also included would be a description of all the variables – independent, dependent, controlled and the control and level of replication. Once all that is spelled out, start with the procedure and describe the steps needed to complete the project. Photos of the process would also be included here.

This section highlights the data – i.e., tables and graphs with descriptions of what they show. Remember that descriptions go above tables, but below graphs. Photos of results would go here.

  Now is the time to discuss the results – what does the data show, what did you learn, what surprised you, why do you think the results happened the way thbey did. Here you can also add what you would do better and what you would do as a follow-up experiment.

Specifically state if the data support or refute the hypothesis.

Thank everyone who helped you including your teachers, friends, mentors, and parents.

 References: Bibliography

Writing a final report is one of the best ways to prepare for the judging interview.


Thursday 19 April 2012

Build a house and keep it cool | video

EVAPORATION! Combine a cooling tower and a solar chimney to quickly cool down a house.

Build your own and Share your findings with us! Send your videos responses on curiosity, get feedback from science experts and earn badges!

Tuesday 17 April 2012

how to build a contact mic and geoboard instrument

how to build a contact mic and geoboard instrument

Play around with sound building a contact microphone and a musical instrument out of a piece of wood and rubber bands that produces different vibration and sounds. Make your own song and share with us here!


Bobby and the students from Bonx, NY studio, play around with sound building a contact microphone and a musical instrument out of a piece of wood and rubber bands that produces different vibration and sounds. Make your own song and share with us in curiosity to get feedback from our engineers and badges!

Please visit and comment :

Science Fair research project for grade 4 to 6 Question is Which materials make good insulators?

Science Fair research project for grade 4 to 6 Question is Which materials make good insulators?

Grade Levels: 4-6
Which materials make good insulators?
Possible Hypotheses:
Foam is a good/poor insulator. Cloth is a good/poor insulator. Paper is a good/poor insulator.
Two shoeboxes Scissors Two thermometers Piece of Styrofoam about one inch thick Newspaper Towel Black construction paper Tape
1. Tape black construction paper to the outside bottoms of the shoeboxes.
2. Place the box tops in a sunny place with the thermometers inside facing up. Record the temperatures.
3. Invert one box onto a top so the black bottom is toward the sun. This is your control.
4. Tape a piece of Styrofoam to the inside of the bottom of the second box, and then place it upside down over the second top.
5. Record the temperatures of both boxes after 15 minutes.
6. Remove the Styrofoam and tape thick pieces of newspaper in the bottom of the box. Repeat the procedure and record the temperatures.
7. Remove the newspaper and tape a towel into the bottom of the box. Repeat the procedure and record the temperatures.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Which material was the best insulator? What other substances might make good insulators?

Note: Do Experiment and share your results on Pakistan Science Club Forum

Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?

Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage? grade for 4 to 6
Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage? grade for 4 to 6

Grade Levels:
Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?
Can you control the amount of gas produced from decaying garbage?
Possible Hypotheses:
A gas is/is not produced when garbage decays.The amount of gas from decaying garbage can/can not be controlled.
Packet of dried peas or beans Six airtight clear plastic bags Water
1. Soak the beans or peas in water overnight.
2. Place 10 beans or peas into each bag and squeeze out all the air before you seal them.
3. Put two bags in a warm sunny place, two bags in a warm shady place, and two bags in a totally dark place for a week and observe what happens. Record your observations.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Did the decaying beans produce a gas? Which environment was best for producing gas? Do you think the gas could be used as a source of energy? Why and how?

source:Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?

Note: Do Experiment and share your results on Pakistan Science Club Forum

Wednesday 11 April 2012

Build you own 500 watt power inverter UPS

500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS) uninterruptible power supply

Build you own 500 watt power inverter UPS 


Power inverter is a device which converts 12 volts to 150 volts of D.C into 220 volt to 110 volt. Power inverter is commonly known as UPS. UPS stands for uninterruptible power supply which is the modified form of inverter. Due to the lack of electricity the importance of inverter increases day by day. The substitute of load shedding is generator or UPS.
Few advantages and disadvantages of generator are as follows.
Its first advantage is, it can run many electronic devices and it can supply electricity for the long duration of load shedding. The disadvantages are noise pollution, usage of fossil fuel cost it too high. The alternate of generator is UPS, it has also some advantages and disadvantages.
The supply of electricity goes uninterrupted, it do not require much effort. Its backup depends on battery, as many amperes of the battery it has, that much it backup it would provide.
Its disadvantages are, recharging takes a lot of time and in the long duration of load shedding battery cannot b recharged so that it stops working. By putting excessive load the duration of backup reduces. Its performance is about 60% to 90%. Read Full article 500 Watt 12 VDC to 220 VAC Power Inverter (UPS) uninterruptible power supply

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Science fair research project Grade Levels 7-9 Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?

Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Science fair research project Grade Levels 7-9 Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Acid Rain
Grade Levels:7-9
Does precipitation in your area contain acidic emissions from power plants, indus- tries or vehicle emissions?
Does the acidity of the precipitation change during the year?
Possible Hypotheses:
The precipitation does/does not contain acids? The acidity levels change/do not change during the year.
Materials: Litmus paper Plastic container Meter stick
1. Place a plastic container outside every day to catch any precipitation that falls.
2. Measure the amount and acidity of the precipitation every day at the same time and record on a calendar.
3. Analyze your data after several months.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Is the precipitation in your area acidic? Does the acidity level change and if so, why? What do you think causes any acidity in the precipitation? Research the power plants, industries and vehicle emissions in your area.

Source: Science fair projects

Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels: 7-9 Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point?

Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point?
 Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point
Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels: 7-9 Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point?

Frozen Salt

Does adding salt to water lower its freezing point?
Possible Hypothesis:
Adding salt does/does not lower the freezing point of water.
Four 8-ounce plastic cups Measuring cup Box of table salt (sodium chloride) Freezer Thermometer Teaspoon
1. Fill four cups with six ounces each of tap water. Add a teaspoon of salt to one cup, two teaspoons to another, and three teaspoons to a third. Leave the fourth as your control.
2. Place the cups in the freezer. Observe the cups periodically until a thin layer of ice forms on the top of the water, and then record the temperature of each cup.
3. Record your observations.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Did adding salt lower the freezing temperature of the water? What was the effect of adding more salt to the water? Can you think of ways that this knowledge can be put to work for you?
source: Science fair Projects

Friday 6 April 2012

Cooling Fan Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels 4-6

Cooling Fan Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels 4-6
Cooling Fan Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels 4-6
Grade Levels: 4-6
Does a fan really cool the air?
Possible Hypotheses:
A fan does/does not cool the air.
Portable Fan, Thermometer
1. On a hot day, place a portable fan on a table. Use a thermometer to record the temperature in the room.
2. Turn the fan on and hold the thermometer three feet from it so that the air blows on the thermometer. After one minute, record the temperature.
3. Hold the thermometer two feet from the fan, then one foot. Record the temperature. Analysis and Conclusion: Does a fan actually cool the air? Why does the air feel cooler?

Cooling Fan Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels 4-6

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Clean Air Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels: 7-9

Clean Air Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels:  7-9
Clean Air Science Fair Research Project Grade Levels:  7-9

Grade Levels:

Does indoor or outdoor air have more particulate pollution?

Possible Hypotheses:
Inside air has more particulate pollution.Outside air has more particulate pollution.

14 white index cards Petroleum jelly Cotton swabs Magnifying glass
1. Label the index cards 1-I to 7-I and 1-O to7-O.
2. Smear petroleum jelly on cards 1-I and 1-O using a cotton swab, and tape them to the same window, 1-I on the inside and 1-O on the outside. Avoid placing the cards near a door.
3. After 24 hours, take the cards down and repeat the procedure with the cards labeled 2-I and 2-O cards. Make a note of the weather each day.
4. Do this for a week, replacing the cards each day. Examine the cards closely and compare them to each other and to previous sets.
5. Record your observations, noting any differences.
6. Repeat the experiment in a different location or at a different time of year.

Analysis and Conclusion:
How does the inside and outside air compare? How does it compare in different weather, different locations and in different seasons? What do you think is the main source of particulate pollution in your area? Research and find out. Inside Outside


Monday 2 April 2012

Slow Cooker Science Fair Project research project

Slow Cooker Science Fair Project research project
Slow Cooker Science Fair Project research project
Slow Cooker Science Fair Project research project
Grade Levels: 7-9
Which natural material works best to insulate a homemade slow cooker: paper, cloth, or hay? Possible Hypothesis: The best insulator for a slow cooker is paper/cloth/hay.
3 cardboard boxes of equal size (large enough to hold pan and insulating material)
3 potatoes of equal size
3 identical cooking pans with lids Newspaper, cloth, hay Thermometer Water
1. Place one potato in each pan and cover with the same amount of water. Boil them simultaneously for two minutes over the same amount of heat.
2. Place a layer of one insulating material in the bottom of each box, place the pans inside the boxes, surround the pans with insulating material, and close.
3. After one hour, record the temperature of the interior of the potatoes.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Which insulator worked best? Is this an energy efficient way to cook food?