
Tuesday 17 April 2012

Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?

Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage? grade for 4 to 6
Science fair research project Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage? grade for 4 to 6

Grade Levels:
Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?
Can you control the amount of gas produced from decaying garbage?
Possible Hypotheses:
A gas is/is not produced when garbage decays.The amount of gas from decaying garbage can/can not be controlled.
Packet of dried peas or beans Six airtight clear plastic bags Water
1. Soak the beans or peas in water overnight.
2. Place 10 beans or peas into each bag and squeeze out all the air before you seal them.
3. Put two bags in a warm sunny place, two bags in a warm shady place, and two bags in a totally dark place for a week and observe what happens. Record your observations.
Analysis and Conclusion:
Did the decaying beans produce a gas? Which environment was best for producing gas? Do you think the gas could be used as a source of energy? Why and how?

source:Can you produce a gas from decaying garbage?

Note: Do Experiment and share your results on Pakistan Science Club Forum

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