
Wednesday 1 May 2013

How can magnet do work?

How can magnet do work?

Materials needed

  • · Magnet
  • · Steel ball


1. Place the magnet on on the table.
2. Place the steel ball on the table about 2--3 cm (1 in.) from the end of the magnet.
3. Let go of the steel ball.
4. What happened?
5. What is work, and how was work done in step 3?

For problem solvers:

 find a variety of magnets. Predict which ones are strongest and weakest, and lay they out in order from strongest to weakest, according to your predictions. Then continue with the above activity, comparing the strength of these magnets. Which one seems to attract the steel ball from the farthest distance?
Were your predictions accurate? Compare size with strength. Are larger magnets always stronger than smaller magnets?

Teacher information

Work was dined in this section's "to the teacher” as moving something (a force acting through a distance). The magnet should cause the steel ball to roll toward it. If this did not happen, try putting the steel ball a bit closer to the magnet or find a stronger magnet.
A paper clip can be used in the place of the steel ball if necessary.

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