
Tuesday 7 May 2013

How can sunlight produce electricity?

How can sunlight produce electricity?

Materials needed

  •  Solar cells
  •  Galvanometer
  • Light source


1. In recent years scientists have been trying to find new sources of electricity to replace our rapidly diminishing fossil fuel resources (coal and oil). A most promising source is solar (sun) energy. Look at your solar cell. When light strikes this cell, a very small amount of electrical energy is produced.

2. Connect your cell to the galvanometer and shine a bright light on it. As you turn the light on and off, observe the needle on the galvanometer. What happens to the needle?

For problem solvers: if you can get some solar cells, learn how to connect them to operate a small light bulb. Perhaps you can find some discarded calculators and use the solar cells from them.

Do some research and see learn about what you can learn about solar energy as a source of electricity. Make a list of all of the things you can find that are powered by solar energy. Will it likely ever be a major source of electricity for our homes and factories?

Can solar energy be used as a power source for electric ears? Write to general motors (ask about their sun racer) and to ford motor company and ask for information about their research on solar batteries and solar powered ears.

Solar energy is becoming increasingly important and common in our lives. Most children have seen solar cells used in calculators, cameras, and other devices that require small amounts of electricity.

The space program has rapidly expanded the development of this energy source. Satellite use electricity produced in this manner to recharge the batteries that provide electrical power.

A major obstacle to wide use of solar power is the limited amount of electric current each cell can produce. Huge areas of solar cells are required to produce significant amounts of electrical energy. The current produced flows in one direction just as in flashlight batteries... also, on the earth, solar cells as primary producers of electrcal energy are limited to day light hours and further inhibited by cloudy days.

Solar cells (often in clusters connected in series) can be obtained from many electronic supply stores.

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