
Friday 23 August 2013

How much noise can produce paper cup?

How much noise can produce paper cup?
How much noise can produce paper cup

materials needed

plastic cup (or paper)
string, about 30 cm (12 in.) long
Half of a toothpick


1. Make a small hole in the bottom of the cup, at the center. You can use the toothpick or your pencil to make the hole.
2. Insert the end of the string through the hole in the cup.
3. Tie the string around the half toothpick, so the toothpick will be on the outside of the cup.
4. Hold the cup in one hand. Squeeze the string with the thumb and index finger of the other hand, and pull, holding the string tight, but allowing it to slip through your fingers.
5. Did you hear anything? If not, squeeze a little tighter next time.
6. Wet the string with water and do it again.
7. What happened? Explain, and have fun!

                For problem solvers:

 Experiment with different materials. The variables are the cup, the string, the water, and how tightly you held the string with your fingers. Change one variable at a time and see what differences you can make. Predict what differences each change will make before you try it.
                if you can find a small feather or two and some rally eyes, you could decorate this noisemaker and call it the yellow chicken, the red hen, or something like that. you decide. you could fashion a beak out of a clothespin or some other suitable object.
                why does this thing make sound? what is the role of the cup?

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