
Tuesday, 7 February 2012

Research based Biology Science Fair Projects

Germs and Us
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract: To determine where germs thrive in our immediate environment and what is the effective way to avoid getting sick by them. I assumed that toilet seat will have most germs. However, Unclean money (coin) had the most amounts of bacteria instead of the toilet seat. Also, the most effective cleaning agent was the hand sanitizer. [ Pls listen to Audio 'Project Overview' ]
Project Number: 5046
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Your experiment was both meticulously carried out and informative. Thank you.

Ascochyta Blight in Chickpea
Evan Hardy Collegiate  -  Saskatoon, SK
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $500.00
Abstract: Some chickpea lines are either resistant or susceptible to ascochyta blight depending on the A. rabiei isolate. We plan to compare the rate of phytotoxin production in these incompatible and compatible interactions which may contribute to understanding of the pathogen’s race-structure.
Project Number: 5009
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Don't Drink From The Carton!
South Island Distance Education School  -  Victoria, BC
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00
Abstract: Often times my parents have reminded me to not drink directly from beverage container but instead to pour them into a cup. With this project I would like to find out if there is an increased amount of bacteria that enters a beverage when you drink it directly from the bottle or carton and if so how significant is it.
Project Number: 4792
Grades: 4-6   Biology

Living Dinosaurs
Simons Valley Elementary School  -  Calgary, AB
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $80.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract: This project will be about living dinosaurs of today. One example of these creatures is the Coelacanth.
Project Number: 4390
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments: An example of a very good VSF descriptive project. The image sources are given, a student make video is provided and a puzzle is included.    An attractive website and an interesting topic!. I like the blue colour choice for your background colour. You had a couple of words in pink that may be more difficult for people to see. The electrosensory mechanism you talked about is quite interesting. You have included a lot of good information in your project. Very few editing errors, especially for the length of your project. Your video loads quickly on a Mac but is slow to load on a P.C. The special effect background on your video is effective.

The Black-Tailed Prairie Dog
Spruce Ridge School  -  Estevan, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Summa Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Transport Canada Award - $50.00
Abstract: This project describes the black-tailed prairie dog and its adaptations for survival in a grasslands habitat. The project also discusses some of the reasons prairie dogs disappeared as humans began to use and change its habitat. It also explores human actions resulting in the recover of prairie dog populations.
Project Number: 4425
Grades: K-3   Biology
Comments: Another great project from the students of Spruce Ridge School. Audio commentary in the movie would have been a nice addition.   

Caffeine and Sugar
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: My project is mainly about the effects that sugar and caffeine have on the body and on the brain. I randomly assigned students to groups and gave each group soda, water, or coffee. I tested their heart rate, reaction time, and concentration before drinking and 3 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes after drinking.
Project Number: 4675
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   You made a very good-looking website, with a very well done experiment. Your background research is very informative and well-written. Your results, discussion, and conclusion are clear and well-organized. One important piece of information that is missing is the group size; this helps the reader know how convincing the results are, as the more people you test, the more accurate the results will be. Also, you didn’t state what you used for a concentration test. Overall, however, this is an excellent project.

Dangerous Dogs
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: I wanted to find out the percent of street dogs that don't have homes and the percent that do. I went to the market day and night to observe the dogs. I found that different groups of dogs were at the market during the day and at night. This made it difficult to determine whether they had homes.
Project Number: 4677
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   It is great that you were able to do a project about an issue that you really care about and that your project could help make a difference. It looks like you spent a lot of time gathering making your observations and taking good notes about what you saw. Your results page shows a large table with good information, but an explanation of what is in this table would have been helpful. Also, in order to help readers understand the results, you could have given us a list of dogs that were in the “night” group, those in the “day” group, and the dogs that were not clearly in one group or the other. Overall, an excellent project. It is clear that you really care about these animals, and studying something you care about is a great way to succeed and make a difference!

All About Cells
Camilla Road Senior Public School  -  Mississauga, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: The world of cells is bigger than you imagine! Come and explore all about cells.
Project Number: 4424
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments: The source of each image must be provided. ALT tags are useful for this.   

Ripe Bananas
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: The purpose of my project is to see which condition has a greater affect on the ripening of bananas. At the end of my project I will see if the banana alone on the counter, the banana in a sealed plastic bag, the banana with a bruise on it, or if the banana surrounded by other ripe bananas ripens the fastest.
Project Number: 4588
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:    A very good project for your grade level.

Heterologous Production of CDH
Walter Murray Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Abstract: Cellulosic materials are one of the main renewable resources available in large quantities which could meet our future energy needs. Cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH) is an enzyme able to degrade lignocellulose. CDH is produced naturally by some fungi, including the fungi Trametes versicolor strain 52J; however, it is very difficult to produce CDH on a large scale because CDH-producing fungi also sec
Project Number: 4900
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Curry for the Cure
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00
Abstract: The purpose of my project was to investigate if turmeric can prevent bacterial growth and if different concentrations of turmeric can prevent more bacteria
Project Number: 4783
Grades: K-3   Biology
Comments:    Excellent, Well researched project, detailed observations. The website is well presented with excellent pictures and graphs. Turmeric has been used for a long time as an antiseptic in many cultures.

Activity of Probiotic Bacteria Isol
Sir Winston Churchill High School  -  Calgary, AB
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract: For my project, I extracted many probiotic strains from natto, and I used these strains to inhibit the virulence properties of Streptococcus intermedius, a bacteria responsible for many serious infections. The real life applications of my project would be to add the probiotic strains in natto to our foods, so we can constantly take in beneficial bacteria to help maintain a healthy microbiome.
Project Number: 4799
Grades: 10-12   Biology
Comments:    This project is a summary of the research Kathy performed over the year. The project is set up to be easy to follow, but correct as to the scientific details. I find the summaries used to be too brief, including methodologies and results, and conclusions. I liked the photos, but the quality of these photos was not good enough to make all of them useful. More work needs to be done here. I would have liked more work done on future studies. All in all, a nice project, with practical and interesting applications.

Vitamin E to the Rescue!
Lord Beaverbrook High School  -  Calgary, AB
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Abstract: I undertook this project to determine if vitamin E will revert the cytotoxic effects of edelfosine when tested on yeast cells to model tumor cells. The purpose of the experiments was to decide if antioxidants, like vitamin E, should be administered along with edelfosine to cancer patients, so that stronger doses may be administered as a cancer fighting therapeutic.
Project Number: 4805
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Deciphering the Water Code
Waterloo Collegiate Institute  -  Waterloo, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to develop anti-RPA2 antibodies which can detect the upregulation of RPA2 protein in immunosorbent assays. Toxic chemicals in water sources causing genetic mutations are becoming a significant threat to wildlife and human health. Cell checkpoint proteins are upregulated in response to DNA damage, so they can be used as genotoxicity biomarkers.
Project Number: 4833
Grades: 10-12   Biology
Comments:    Congratulations: you are working with very sophisticated laboratory practices. You clearly feel comfortable working with molecular biological tools and have a solid understanding for experimental control. My comments centre on improving on the clarity of your reporting. Ensure results match the stated purpose. When your project is part of a larger body of work occuring in a lab, focus on the specifics of your work. The purpose indicated that you were going to produce antibodies. Your work did not quite get that far. You did however transfer the RPA2 gene to a second plasmid for improved expression of the RPA2 protein. That is accomplishment enough. The level of explanation of the report must assume the reader may not be familiar with the intricacies of the techniques used in the project. Outline explicitly the reasons for completing the steps done and does indeed provide the foundation for further work as stated. Explain all abbreviations and cryptic designations eg. SOB/Amp and IPTG Use correct conventions. Scientific names for example are italicized and written in full upon their first occurrence. Credit the sources of illustrations borrowed such as the antibody diagram from Wikipedia. Improve clarity of expression by reducing jargon whenever possible.

Establishing a gp64 Protein Baseline
Waterloo Collegiate Institute  -  Waterloo, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract: The gp64 protein is important as it is used for budding and cell-to-cell transmission. However, research projects involving genetically recombining baculovirus may affect levels of gp64 protein produced. In this project, a clear baseline for the amount of gp64 protein produced during a normal infection was established, so that changes in the levels of gp64 protein produced could be monitored.
Project Number: 4834
Grades: 10-12   Biology
Comments:    You have the gift of clarity of written expression. This is particularly evident in the Background Edit written work. Spelling errors detract from the work, gentamicin for example. Use appropriate conventions: mL for millilitre, Clarify the procedure so that the reasons for doing the stated steps are clear to the reader.

The Brain and Dyslexia
Selwyn House School  -  Montreal, QC
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: This project is to understand the purpose of the brain and how it functions. It tries to understand as well the brain’s associate and process a language, but more precisely the reading system of the brain. And what’s the interference of dyslexia of the processing and acquisitioning of a language? What’s the biological cause of dyslexia? What’s the difference between a dyslexic reader and a non-dys
Project Number: 4399
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:You should provide the source of the images.   

Toxicity of CNTs in Daphnia Magna
Cameron Heights Collegiate Institute  -  Kitchener, ON
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $100.00
Abstract: Daphnia magna neonates were exposed to solutions of carbon nanotubes and humic acid to determine the acute toxicity of carbon nanotubes in combination with humic acid. Spectrophotometry analysis was also employed to evaluate the effects of humic acid on carbon nanotube solubility.
Project Number: 4945
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Amphibians Live Here Too!
Dundonald School  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $50.00
Abstract: Grade Three students found a frog or toad on the playground. They were able to catch and release him. They then proceeded to study frogs and learn about amphibians.
Project Number: 4939
Grades: K-3   Biology

Light and Temperature - Plants
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Suncor Energy
Magna Cum Laude Award -  $25.00
Abstract: Plants cannot grow in extreme dark and cold places.
Project Number: 5051
Grades: K-3   Biology

Adding Acids
Avonlea School  -  Avonlea, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $25.00
Abstract: Does adding acids and bases to household bacteria stop the bacteria from growing? If we add acids and bases to household bacteria, then the bacteria will stop growing. We rejected our hypothesis. Bacteria will continue to grow after adding acids and bases. Acids are more effective to stop the growth of bacteria than bases are, but neither of the two fully stopped the growth.
Project Number: 4705
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Soil Solution
Mentor College  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: To determine the affect different soil brands have on a chickpea plant when comparing the plant growth.
Project Number: 4759
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   Student has conducted a controlled experiment. The analysis was thorough and measurements precise. Human benefit is evident and research was very thorough. Analysis was accurate and thorough. Simple design that is effective however use of media would enhance the project.

Water and Plants
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: In my project, I gave three different types of plants different amounts of water, to see which amount of water worked best for each type of plant. I researched why plants need water, why different plants need different amounts of water, and how much water do plants need to survive.
Project Number: 4685
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Your background research contains good information about why different plants might need different amounts of water. The experiment was well designed. Your results are interesting, but could have been improved with more explanation. For example, why is the height of plant B2 always zero? Also, do you have an idea why a number of your plants became smaller? Your website is well made, but the design could be improved by using fewer colors.

LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: My experiment is about germs. I tested the growth of germs on potatoes. I took some pieces of potatoes, rubbed each one on a different surface, and put them in plastic bags. Then I observed and took pictures every 5 days for 15 days.
Project Number: 4684
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments: Very good use of photographs.    Your background research is thorough and well-written. The experiment was clear and properly done. The table of pictures and observations is detailed and well-organized. The possible future experiments sound interesting. Very good project and very good looking website.

Color and Taste
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: For my experiment I tested the effect of the color of food on how much people like and eat it. I made two big bowls of red and green pasta and left one bowl with out food coloring. I gave different colors to different students, then measured how much they ate, and had them fill out a survey about how much they liked it.
Project Number: 4683
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Your website has a good looking header and background. The experiment was well designed and carried out, and the results are very interesting. Your background research is somewhat confusing, since you did not connect the section on smell to your experiment. Your discussion and conclusions are clear and interesting, and you have good ideas for future experiments.

Heavy Metals & Aquatic Environments
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: I will test the effects of heavy metals in 6 aquatic environments. I will use goldfish, duckweed, and algae as the organisms in each aquatic environment. The heavy metal I will use is copper sulfate pentahydrate. I hypothesize that the heavy metal will affect the goldfish, duckweed, and algae adversely.
Project Number: 4468
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:    You have an excellent display. Variables are well controlled.

Split Pea DNA Extraction
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: I plan to extract DNA from split peas using civilian objects.
Project Number: 4724
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   The photos add to your project. All your links work- well done!

Which Dog Is Easier to Train?
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Project Number: 4651
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   All your links work. Well done! Would have liked to have seen photos in your project.

Nitrogen - Phosphorus
Avonlea School   -  Avonlea, SK
ISM Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $25.00
Primary Fluid Systems " Best in School" Award - $50.00
Abstract: Does the ratio of phosphorus and nitrogen in fertilizer affect Amber Durum’s germination process? We hypothesized that if we apply the fertilizer with the ratio 11-52 then this plate will have the most successful growth process in the two week period. We accept our hypothesis because the ratio 11-52 had the most successful growth in the two week period.
Project Number: 4716
Grades: 10-12   Biology

Reaction Time
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: If someone sings their ABC's while catching a ruler will their reaction time be affected ?
Project Number: 5026
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   This is a very current topic with the new cell phone laws. Your data was clearly recorded and the interpretation of data was well done.

Organic or Non-Organic Plant Food?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Enterprise Saskatchewan
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: The idea is to find out what type of plant food is better organic or non-organic.
Project Number: 4441
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Good use of colour. Good clear fonts. Information nicely organized. Excellent use of tables in Observations. Good Clear Method and Hypothesis.

Heart of Music
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: I plan to find out which different genres of music raise your heartbeat the most.
Project Number: 4435
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Good clear fonts. Good use of charts. Nice observations.

Seeing is Deceiving
Sherwood Heights School   -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: For my project I tried to see if gender and age effects the way people see optical illusions. I did eye tests on people and tested some optical illusions on them. I found out that everyone sees different things.
Project Number: 4600
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    You have an excellent project. The variables are well controlled, though you could have repeated the experiment on more subjects. Your presentation is good. All the links work

Gravity: a Friend or Foe?
Sherwood Heights School   -  Mississauga, ON
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: My project is about how gravity affects the way the roots grow. You have to find out which direction the rootlets will grow when in different directions. I think that the gravity will affect the way the rootlets will grow.
Project Number: 4578
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Good layout. Interesting topic. Detailed observations.

Inside Kibble's Brain
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: My project is about, if a hamster can learn and what things can affect the hamsters learning example: music, cat and different foods. The way I am going to do this is by building a maze and timing my hamster. The tools I will use are:tape,cardboard,hamster,hamster food,cat,cd,cd player. I think that over time my hamster will learn.
Project Number: 4572
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    The web presentation is neat. You have clearly stated the limitations of the external stimuli.

The Brain Game
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Primary Fluid Systems
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: My project is on neurolinguistics (the study of body language to tell if the interviewee is not telling the truth, deciding or truthful). This project I will interview 3 people and ask them each 7 questions. I will record my results using a graph on the computer. I will first interview 3 people. I have 7 challenging questions. Then I will study their body language and record.
Project Number: 4570
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    The idea for your project is creative, but not enough experiments were conducted to come to any valid scientific conclusion.

Color and Memory
LIFE School  -  Panajachel, Solola, Guatemala
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: My experiment is about memory. I did an experiment to see if whether a list of words is printed in color or black and white affects how many words a person can remember.
Project Number: 4673
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:    This is an excellent, well controlled experiment with very interesting results. Your background research, especially the information from the interview, did a good job setting up the possible ways color could affect the memorization of words. Your idea for a future experiment is very good as well. Several small errors in spelling, grammar, and capitalization were a distraction from your good work – make sure to proofread carefully and ask others to help you. Overall, an excellent project.

An Egg-cellent Question
Greystone Heights School  -  Saskatoon, SK
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: We want to find out why platypuses and echidnas lay eggs while other mammals don't.
Project Number: 4793
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   A well researched project on very unique and interesting animals.

Growth of Plants
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
ISM Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: This experiment is to prove whether or not fertilizers actually help the growth of plants.
Project Number: 4838
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments: Good use of your photographs    You did not mention that N (up, greenery), P (down, roots), K (around, bushiness of the plant) in the report - that was something I told you right from the start! It would have been useful to summarize results in a table (other than the daily log). What about the area of the leaves - what aspect of the fertilizer is that related to? Did not identify controlled, manipulating and responding variables

Do Mosquitoes Like Certain Blood?
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: I plan on finding out if mosquitoes like a certain type of blood or if it is all the same to them. I will take what I already know about mosquitoes (not much) and go on the internet to find more info
Project Number: 4927
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   Nice flow between pages. Well done!

Why Are Cigarettes Bad For You?
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Lockheed Martin Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: Find Out The Hidden Things in Cigarettes
Project Number: 4925
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   Informative and flows well. Well done!

Plants vs. Weather
Avonlea School  -  Avonlea, SK
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: We are going to put plants in climate.
Project Number: 4691
Grades: 7-9   Biology

Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: Pea Plants grown in compost soil grew fastest. Pea plants grown with fertilizer did not grow as well. [ Pls listen to Audio 'Project Overview' ]
Project Number: 5033
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    Your experiment was practical and conducted scientifically. It might have required more time to fully realize it.

Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: A descriptive project on two genetic disorders, Patau Syndrome and Diabetes. We discuss the causes, conditions and background information throughout or project.
Project Number: 4869
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments: Live links not allowed.   Amanda: had a personal perspective (explain concepts in different ways), try to highlight the interactive (FACT) elements so the stand out more. Alexcai: You had a personal perspective (did not post on site),

Lung Capacity
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: Is the lung capacity is same for every one? My experiment was, blow a balloon measure it with measuring tape and find the capacity then do it again, but take a deep breath. I did it with my family to show lung capacity of different age groups. [ Pls listen to Audio 'Project Overview' ]
Project Number: 5006
Grades: 4-6   Biology

Short Term Memory
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
ISM Canada
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: I tested people to see how good their short term memory is. I wanted to check if age would affect it.
Project Number: 4970
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   Your web site is attractive and well organized.

Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: Will solar panels or windmills work better in Saskatchewan?
Project Number: 4859
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments: Where is the project info page?   Neither of you explained concepts in different ways,

Reproductive System
Aden Bowman Collegiate Institute  -  Saskatoon, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Project Number: 4850
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments: Mikhea, you should have used ALT tags to provide the source of each image.   Taylor did not use proper APA format for citing references. I think Taylor was starting some interactivity in her report, but it was left unfinished. Mikhea made a glossary, did not have very much interactivity (just one FACT), did not explain concepts in different ways and the references were not in APA format.

Starch Test
Sathya Sai School of Canada  -  Toronto, ON
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Abstract: I wanted find out which kinds of foods contain starch and if starch content changes with ripeness. I found that starch is present in plant-based foods-grains products and some fruits and vegetables and that the starch content decreases with ripeness. [ Pls listen to Audio 'Project Overview' ]
Project Number: 5004
Grades: 4-6   Biology

Ground Meat
Clavet Composite School  -  Clavet, SK
University of Regina - Faculty of Science
Cum Laude Award -  $20.00
Abstract: How much fat is in different types of ground meat?
Project Number: 4985
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:   The idea of comparing the fat content in meat is a good idea. Your procedure is detailed very well.

Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Suncor Energy
Cum Laude Award -  $10.00
Project Number: 4727
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   Well organized. Photos add to it but would have liked to see more of them. Well done!

Mouthwash vs. Bacteria
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: My experiment is to test which mouthwash works the most effectively against bacteria. The mouthwashes that will be used are: Scope, Listerine, and salt with water.
Project Number: 4511
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:    Good organization of information on pages. Good Method and Observations. Watch use of strong backgrounds with similar font colours. Good consistent page format.

Race to the Finish
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: This project is about plant biology. I will be testing five plants (same kind) with aspirin, salt, hot water, and lukewarm water. This is to see the longevity of the plant's life, using these substances.
Project Number: 4518
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:    Good clear readable fonts. Information well organized. Good Method.

Yikes! Gluten! How Much is in Flour?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: My project is about how much gluten is in three kinds of flour (whole wheat, all-purpose, and pastry). My hypothesis that the pastry flour is going to have the most gluten. I will figure this out by kneading all three flours with water. I will then wash it with cold water until only a stringy, sticky ball remains (that's the gluten). Last, I will measure the gluten and see which one is the most
Project Number: 4562
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:    The project is appropriate for your grade level, and the topic is very creative. Your findings are well recorded and interpreted

Plants React to Intermittent Light?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: To see if plants react and grow to intermittent light.
Project Number: 4479
Grades: 4-6   Biology

South Island Distance Education School  -  Victoria, BC
Suncor Energy
Cum Honore Award -  $10.00
Abstract: This is a research on Pudus. These are type of deer found recently in Himalaya region.
Project Number: 4637
Grades: K-3   Biology

Soap Vs. Sanitizer
St. Elizabeth Seton School  -  Burlington, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: For our project we used SPC Petri dishes to determine if hand soap or hand sanitizer is more effective to kill bacteria on hands in a regular household environment.
Project Number: 4798
Grades: 7-9   Biology
Comments:The images on the Results page did not appear.   The concept is good, and observations and conclusions are clearly recorded and communicated. The project does not explain clearly the reason for the major discrepancy between the results obtained from one subject compared to the other. This is possibly a result of inconsistency in the method of cleaning the hands A greater sample size (more people tested) would reduce the chance of one error in the method affecting the results so much. The web site is easy to navigate because of the linked pages. Some small errors are present: one picture did not load; there is code visible on the last page; and a few typos were missed.

Eenie Meenie Miny Mold
Avonlea School  -  Avonlea, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: We want to build a contraption that will transfer mold from one fruit to three others.
Project Number: 4690
Grades: 7-9   Biology

La poignée de porte antibactérienne
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Project Number: 4745
Grades: 7-9   Biology

Fire Bellied Toad
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: How fire bellied toads live
Project Number: 4930
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:   A good start!

Preservatives VS Bacteria
Avonlea School  -  Avonlea, SK
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Honore Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: In my project I am going to see what kinds of preservatives preserve foods from bacteria the best.
Project Number: 4721
Grades: 10-12   Biology
Comments: Image on first page missing.   

Salt in Plants ?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: I will record what happens to plants when rock salt solutions are added
Project Number: 4525
Grades: 7-9   Biology

Does Caffeine Affect Plant Growth?
Ecole Dugald School  -  Dugald, MB
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate
Project Number: 4924
Grades: 4-6   Biology
Comments:Only top page displays.   

Purell à poubelle
Collège catholique Samuel Genest  -  Ottawa, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate
Project Number: 4735
Grades: 7-9   Biology

Can Plants Grow With Other Lights?
Sherwood Heights School  -  Mississauga, ON
Virtual Science Fair
Cum Virtute Award -  Merit Certificate
Abstract: To find out if plants can grow with different lightening
Project Number: 4473
Grades: 4-6   Biology

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